Friday, April 30, 2010

Task Force: Friday Pastor Pray Day

The Bridegroom's Café- Friday Pastor Prayer Day! Click On Servant Table Click On Dig Deep Side Dish

God has asked me to encourage as many as I know to pray for pastors on Friday. I have been tasked by God to raise up an army of people to pray on Fridays for Pastors. Friday! Pastor Prayer Day! #fppd!

I am asking you to join with this Kingdom Task Force- an army of God's creating to lift up pastors, to call their name out to God for Kingdom Of God: protection-peace-provision-purpose! Go to The Bridegroom's Café on Friday's and take 5 minutes and pray for these pastors from all over the world. Call their names out to Almighty God! Add Your Pastors Name! Don't go to sleep on Friday until you have done it! This Prayer Matters! It Is Simply-Significant To The Kingdom Of God!

Praying for pastors is an investment of time that simply-significantly makes an eternal difference, giving an eternal edge to the ministry of so many churches! We are The Bride Of Christ, We Are One In Jesus! What affects one of us, touches all of us. When you invest in prayer for pastors, you are building up the Bride Of Christ!

In times such as these, we desperately need to pray for pastors. There is no better time to begin praying for pastors, as this season of time we are living and growing through! Please, join this task force of prayer for the Kingdom of God and pray with us on Fridays! Add Your Pastor And Wife's Name To This Prayer List.

God has used pastors in my life in ways that I could never have imagined or hoped for. They have equipped me and encouraged me and everything I have accomplished for the Kingdom of God is because of my divine appointments with God's Shepherds along my life-path. God has used pastors in my life in huge-life changing ways and for that I am so very grateful to God. Praying for pastors to me is a way that I am giving back, because I know I have been given much! Pray With Me!

Friday Pastor Pray Day! #fppd

AWE-GOD! Jesus gave life an eternal edge and now we can worship Him with an eternal edge, love with an eternal edge, pray with an eternal edge and live with an eternal edge! How grateful I am for the servant heart of Jesus!

Friday! Pray For God's Pastors That They Have The Anointing Of Our Omnipresent-Omnipotent God To Minister In Him With An Eternal Edge!

If My People Pray

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