October 14th 2011
Make My Life Willess Today, Less Of All Things Me,
More Of YOU – ALL IN With All Things Of Your Kingdom,
Excellent In You-Constant In Your Courage And Strength
Jesus, name above all names help me, Kimberly Ann McCarthy this very moment to have in mind only the thoughts of God, that point out to me the way to the Kingdom of God and position me in Your Grace that I might be filled with Your Spiritual Vitality and walk in the verdure of love, trust and obedience. Help me to remember there is not a moment in my life that I live without You, Almighty God! Choice by Choice… I Choose You!
Exhortation- The Shepherd's Communicated Love-Wisdom!
Encouragement to a friend who was hurting………
Sometimes life is just plain hard, but always, always, always our GOD is good – He loves us most, more and best!
Precious girl, I will be praying for you. I know it has been tough for you. God never changes and that is the coolest thing about being His. Life changes all around us as we make choices and others make choices that affect our lives, we can't fix all that but we can affix ourselves to the ONE WHO is in charge, WHO CAN and WHO will use all things for our good, our inner and outer good, for good that does not just add up to value here, but value for us in eternity. Dig your roots deeper in HIM, cling harder to His love, His plan will unfold and it will by step by step and it WILL stretch your faith, make you into the best you, that HE see's and you could never imagine. Life has been very hard for me this year, changes that I could never have imagined being able to adjust too, especially the death of my dad, BUT GOD... He has been there for me day by day... so that is the key sweet girl, day by day, draw Your strength from HIM and day by day, listen and look for that next step for the door that He will open and FOLLOW... HIM...His plans don't put a high priority on our comfort as much as they do our growth, He is all about making us into that image He has of us, so things don't ever work out as we plan, but as He allows and works through our humanity His purposes. Very interesting this life in HIM, but also it holds the benefits of peace, inner peace and without that, I don't think I could do what HE has brought into my life, I need HIM, I need HIM more than I need anything else and in that I find my peace even though my life seems very chaotic at the moment, I have peace. That in itself is worth more than money can buy. I pray this for you. Take care and stay in touch... we are family!
Life changes all around us as we make choices and others make choices that affect our lives; we can't fix all that but we can affix ourselves to the ONE WHO is in charge, WHO CAN and WHO will use all things for our good, our inner and outer good, for good that does not just add up to value here, but significance for us in eternity. AWE-GOD! Kimberlymac
Exhortation- The Shepherd's Communicated Love-Wisdom!
Encouragement to a friend to endure…………..
I see it as an opportunity to share Christ and His truth and to connect and learn and grow together, I don't see myself as a "teacher" but as a chat facilitator following the lead of the Holy Spirit. I felt God's Presence so strong in that chat! We have no idea the impact that God is making and I am not into numbers... I feel if just for one. Even if it was just me, this study has impacted me, I felt as if I was living it and it changed me. His Presence was so powerful in the online campus this weekend. God is moving online ministry forward for some reason, and with Kingdom purpose and it is the season for it. I believe online ministry is at its best when it is not a "silo" standing apart from the vision of onsite ministry and the vision of the onsite ministry includes connect groups and bible studies. I think we need to mirror the vision and not be a silo, a ministry that stands apart from the onsite ministry. When you are beginning a new ministry, someone has to till the ground and it is not easy, you have to pick out the rocks from the soil and smooth the way, soften the ground until it is ready to seed. Things are successful because of our faithfulness to learn and grow through it. Every new ministry will have a frame and then it will take on its own clothing. In the beginning, I felt we were given the clothes that did not fit the group, so we had to shop around until we got the right style and that took time, but I felt as we went on we were finding what clothing fit the frame the best for online groups. This group paves the way for a new beginning and that is not easy nor defined, but we grew as we went. We tried different things, we worked through the newness and we learned and grew through the Holy Spirit leading us and we made relationships. It is a beginning and I believe we can build upon it. When you launch something new, the point is we never had "no one" show up, God always sent a couple people. The online ministry will grow and I don't want it to grow 1st and foremost in the "numbers game" I want it see it grow in making disciples, creating a God-family even if it is one person at a time! We need to have a small group option available for people to connect to each other. Have we got the right clothing on the frame? Not completely sure yet, but we have the right vision, the right frame and I know God will lead us. Without a doubt I know, this is where God has called me to online ministry. I feel His anointing in it, I feel His favor in it and I am following His Lead as best as I can. I tried to hard in the beginning, putting garments on the group and when I was done trying on clothes, God said: "are you done now... here put this on... try this..." and the more I followed, the easier it became and the stronger God's Favor was. The relationships started with this 1st online chat class, still remain. What God wanted established in this 1st try, I believe He has done. I am not uncomfortable chatting with just one person whether male or female, because I am pointing them to Jesus and His Truth. He is my agenda, my motive and I am covered by HIM and by membership/commitment to Biltmore and by my husband. And when it comes to online ministry, I am called to God, I am ALL IN with Him. I can't explain it, but I am answering a call to God that is not understandable. What is happening online is not understandable to me. This call to online ministry makes no sense to me. But I am following God. In all my life, I would never have imagine me in an online ministry, it is a huge stretch for me, so I am clinging harder to God, digging my roots deeper in HIM and learning-growing as I am following the lead of the Holy Spirit into this unchartered ministry area You know how it was when we launched the new campus at Christ Fellowship, we tried to wear the same clothing as the Gardens Campus, but it just did not fit, our demographics were different, but our vision was the same, we were the same church. So we learned the hard way that some things the Gardens Campus wore, we could not pull off that style, we were so frustrated when we tried to wear the clothing for "their" campus, we had to find the clothing that "sported well" in our region for our campus. It was frustrating and hard tilling that new ground. Remember!!! It was a learning experience and we had the foundational frame of the vision and the Oneness of our church, we just had to find the right clothing to sport in our region!! We eventually did, the tilling experience was rough, but we all hung through it until God perfectly fitted us with the right clothing for our demographics... it was hard work, it had a great result, people came to know HIM, and were discipled and lives were changed. I am ALL IN with God in this online ministry and if He wants me to till some hard ground, give me the tiller, equip me God with Your wisdom and strength and I will follow!
****My Prayer! I Place All My Expectation In You, Almighty God!*****
Psalm 62:5 (amplified) My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved.
Lord I come to you with a humble heart today and with many needs of Your people and those who do not know you. I pray for Your Hand of power, favor, promise, provision, hope, help, wisdom and discernment to go forth from these prayers: Jesus! Name Above All Names!
- Jesus be with Pastor Bruce and his family and complete the work started in them. Guide and direct them step by step and undergird them in your healing power and strength. Jesus!
- Jesus touch Vivane and guide her in her walk with You, protect and keep her Jesus
- Father God touch Michelle, be her daily provider. Jesus save her house for her and her children I pray. Jesus make way for her, You are her Way-Maker. I pray you bless her business by Your favor and grace. Jesus! Open the doors for her that no man could open, only YOU.
- Father be with Christy and Larry as their lives change again, be their provision of strength and grace
Check Out My Website For Further Encouragement-Exhortations From God! Enjoy!
The Bridegroom's Café
Currently Posted Menu
AUTHOR TABLE****************** Freedom!
BREAKFAST TABLE*************** Precious Treasure
FAMILY TABLE******************* Way Of Truth
LISTENER TABLE*****************Sin
MILITARY TABLE*****************Omnipresent
SERVANT TABLE******************Joyfulicious
SMORGASBORD TABLE ***********Tolerate-NO Truth-YES!
Follow Me On Twitter @kmac4him
I have written an amazing book, actually God wrote it to His Bride and I penned it. It will be an incredible journey for you with AWE-GOD. It will be available in 2012 online. If you are interested email me your email address at I will make sure you get notified when the Bridegroom's Voice is ready to be purchased online. God Bless You Huge!
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