Thursday, January 20, 2011

Constant Conversation With God 1/19

Week Of January 17, 2011 Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Make My Life A Constant Conversation With You!

Jesus Christ, In Your Righteousness I, Kimberly Ann McCarthy, live and today I, Kimberly Ann McCarthy, purposefully and resolutely walk out of the Righteousness of God in complete human willessness with spiritual eyes wide open!

Worthy News Brief

Many believers have a special place, a quiet place where they go to spend time with the Lord. This is a very important thing. But how many believers have actually 'prepared a way' for the Lord? As sacred as that special quiet place is to us, it is limited. It has definite boundaries. But a way never ends--it goes on and on. The key of a life of blessing is not preparing God places to fill, but preparing a way for Him. The Hebrew word for way is 'derech'. Derech means a path, or a way of life. Kimberly, if we want to be blessed, we need to prepare a derech in our lives. We need to develop Godly ways, Godly habits, Godly consistency and practices. We need to turn all our holy places into holy ways that carry on throughout our daily lives. The blessings of God need to flow through us to others around us-- let's give Him a derech through which to do so. There's so much work to be done!

*My Prayer-HIS-THOUGHTS: KimberlyMac Shining 4-Him-Always-4Ever!*

Lord Jesus help me to prepare a derech in my life, to live Holy, be Holy in my heart and to learn consistency in my life. AMEN!

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My Only Hope Is In You Lord Jesus! #tworship AWE-GOD! #prayer To Be Only Yours Jesus!1st!

A Constant Conversation With God Makes For An AWE-some day! Ck mine out:

I ___ purposefully-resolutely walk in the purity of God today, in complete human willessness W/spiritual eyes wide open

Have U Bowed 2day? Bow In Humble-Awe Respectfully Before The King Of Kings. Jesus! #tworship I Stand In Awe

The Valley Song! His Mercy Leads Us Through! I Will Still Sing As I Wait For A Rescue! #tworship

Never lose heart, beloved. Others may reject you but God thinks you rock. #LiveSticky

Worship Wisdom! Songs Changing My Life! AWE-mazing God!

Father God, Lead Us By Your Word Today! #prayer @worldprayr

My Heart Thoughts From This Song:

I Will Love You To The End Lord Jesus!

I feel lost right now Lord Jesus, so lost in this wilderness, I can't find my way out without you Lord. Help me not to chase my feelings but to stand in Your Word, get lost in Your Word

Your Word is the lamp to my darkness, the light for my feet.

I will not fear my future, because You are in my today. You have gone before me into my future.

I will not forget Your love for me, keep my heart steadfast in You today Lord Jesus!

Jesus, Beautiful Beyond Description! I Stand In Awe Of You! Holy God To Who All Faith Is Due! #tworship

My Heart Thoughts From This Song:

You Are Beyond All I Could Ever Imagine Lord God!

Huge God- AWE-GOD! Beautiful Beyond Description!

Holy God- All Praise Is Due To You!

We Can't Even Fathom The Depths Of Your Love! AWE-GOD!

Holy God! Mighty God! Beautiful God! All Faith Is Due To You!

I have never felt more willess, emptied of myself- more humbled than I have ever been and so in love --in AWE of My God! #tworship

Have U Bowed 2day? Bow In Humble-Awe Respectfully Before The King Of Kings. Jesus! #tworship I Stand In Awe

My Heart Thoughts From This Song:

I raise my life to You in Complete- Willessness, humbled by me, AWED by You, King Jesus

I bow my head in reverence, my heart in awe, my will in submission to You Mighty King Jesus

I will declare Your life, the all of you in the all of my life today! AWE-GOD

My Only Hope Is In You Lord Jesus! #tworship AWE-GOD! #prayer To Be Only Yours Jesus!1st! (By Switchfoot – Only Hope)

My Heart Thoughts From This Song:

Jesus, You have put a song in my soul in this dark trial of time and it is a song of hope that lights my darkness

You are my only hope Lord Jesus… literally so! AWE-GOD!

My dreams are dead! My life plans are trashed! Willessly, I lay my head upon The Father God's hope - lifting my hands in prayer to Him to be only/completely His! Jesus!

Take My Apathy Lord Jesus, Take All Of Me- I want to be only Yours Jesus! Willess! Hopeful In You Alone!

Battlefield Of The Mind By Joyce Meyer

Holy Spirit Inspired…. He speaks, I listen and obey… Thank you for teaching Me!

Galatians 1:12 (NLT) I received my message from no human source, and no

one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.

Joyce Meyer Battlefield Of The Mind Page 57

Matthew 4":1-4 The Temptation of Jesus

1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. 2 For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became very hungry. 3 During that time the devil[a] came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread." 4 But Jesus told him, "No! The Scriptures say, 'People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'[b]"

New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.

*My Prayer-HIS-THOUGHTS: KimberlyMac Shining 4-Him-Always-4Ever!*

This morning I woke up so distraught, thinking I take another day of this, not knowing what is next for us! I feel like I am in limbo! I need to know! But really, I realized that is so cultural, so fleshly, so carnal… this is exactly what the Lord is cutting from me. I don't need to know! HE IS! I don't live by having to know what is next. Jesus is the only next that will actually be next! Everything else that I am wanting to know just doesn't matter. So I refocus on Jesus, because limbo is a human state and I am positioned in Christ, an eternal state, a promise that will come true. I may not be able to see my future here or look ahead with much hope at all, but I can hope in my true future!

I love how the message bible puts it and I pray for this, a steady stream of Words from God's mouth to my mind! Help me to listen to God's Words today, the steady stream of His thoughts from His mouth to my mind.

4Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: "It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth."

The Message (MSG) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

Excerpts From The Book Written By Joyce Meyer

The devil came to Jesus when He was weak and tired

All of Jesus' miracles where for the good of others, He never performed miracles for Himself or to satisfy any need of His own.

As attractive as the offer may have sounded. Jesus turned it down. He recognized the deliberately crafted lie, and Jesus never hesitated. The world would be won for God, but it would be won by the way of sacrifice and obedience.

This is one of the enemy's most subtle lies. Not only does he tempt you to give in and to receive the things you'd like to have, but he also makes it sound simple and easy: "Just do this one thing and it's all yours."

God never works that way. He wants you to have the best and only the best, but it has to come in the right way.

*My Prayer-HIS-THOUGHTS: KimberlyMac Shining 4-Him-Always-4Ever!*

Credit cards have been that one thing, living above our means to pay- buy now and pay later is such a lie. Credit spends fast and without any accountability or responsibility. It usually ends up you are buying what you don't need but what you want. God gives us what we need this is the truth. Credit spends tomorrows prosperity!

Tweets Written From What I learned

Jesus teaches us that His Is Not The Easy Way. Instead We Must Take The "Right Way". Matt 4:1-4 Joyce Meyer

The World will be won for God, but it will be won by the way of sacrifice and obedience.

Joyce Meyer

God wants you to have the best, and only the best, but it has to come in the right way – His way- His timing.

Beth Moore Study In Revelation: Here-Now

We are holding our chains - our chains are not holding us! We have been freed by Jesus Christ Beth Moore

Tweets I Wrote From What I Learned:

Jesus Loves Us! Don't take that lightly! Do you really know that? HE does love us-He did-He will love us…

Jesus is presently Being and His very essence is infinite love-there is nothing you can do to change how He loves you

What we truly believe in the black of night when no one is looking is our belief system that we make our decisions from

The Holy Spirit That Lives In Us Is The Complete Omniscience-Omnipresence of God With Vision Roaming The Entire World! AWE-GOD!

There is not a stretch of your life God has not been in and not a moment that you will live without Him. AWE-GOD!

We can kick God out of every public institution in this world, but we CAN'T STOP GOD from being! He is, was and will BE!

God is presently being, was presently being and will always BE! We will never be without Him. AWE-GOD

AWE-God is the revealer of all things. All revelation-information comes from God Himself.

In God is hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. God reveals information to reach people all over the world.

We have come to a place in our history where there is a growing physiological persecution but God will overcome

Lord, reveal Yourself to me at work! Lord, reveal Yourself to me at home! Lord, reveal Yourself to me in my all! #prayer @worldprayr

Have You Bowed Today? Bow! Ask Jesus To Reveal Himself To You- To Show You The Real Him In Your All Today!

Jesus Christ is 100 percent divine- the Son of God! Jesus Was- Is- Will Be God-Forever! Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Rev 17:14 They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb WILL overcome them

Just A Reminder: There will be many who will rise up against Jesus Christ, but they WILL NOT overcome Him.

We live in a society of growing derision and contempt of Jesus! Just A Reminder: GOD Will Overcome! He Is The I AM!

Jesus give us a fresh disclosure, continually of You in the all of our day, whatever the situation may be.

Isaiah 40:3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.


The Fellowship of the Unashamed

I am part of the "Fellowship of the Unashamed."

The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line.

The decision has been made. I am a disciple of

Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down,

back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present

makes sense, and my future is secure.

I am finished and done with low living, sight walking,

small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams,

chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position,

promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I now live by

presence, lean by faith, love by patience,

lift by prayer, and labor by power. My pace

is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my

road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few,

my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought,

compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back,

diluted, or delayed.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the

presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy,

ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander

in the maze of mediocrity.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until

Heaven returns, give until I drop, preach until all know,

and work until He comes. And when He comes to get

His own, He will have no problem recognizing me.

*My Prayer-HIS-THOUGHTS: KimberlyMac Shining 4-Him-Always-4Ever!*

I will willessly bow before my AWE-GOD at the beginning of every day

And carry on a constant conversation with Him in the all of my everything!

I will believe and act like there is not a moment of my day where I will be without His



Thanks for traveling with me as I walk with God and talk up a constant conversation with my AWE-GOD! Please check out my site:

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