Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Constant Conversation W/God 1/27-28

Week Of January 24th, 2011 Thursday, January 27-28, 2011


Make My Life A Constant Conversation With You!



The soul hardly ever realizes it, but whether he is a believer or not, his loneliness is really a homesickness for God. Hubert van Zeller

talk it up! twitter

We all have a homesickness for our Father God, help us to realize this is the root of our restlessness, loneliness and dissatisfaction! #prayer @worldprayr

We need God! We are homesick 4our Father God-help us to realize this is the root of our restlessness-loneliness- #prayer @worldprayr

Study: Know God/know hope? hosea

Friday – Read Hosea 14:1-9; Romans 3:26

In these verses we find an appeal by the prophet for God's people to repent of their idolatry, return to the Lord their God, and trust in God's promise of deliverance.

         What does Hosea say has been the downfall of Israel [v.1]?

         How has sin been your downfall? What consequences have you born or do you now bear on account of your idolatry?

         To whom should Israel look for deliverance from God's judgment [v.3]? Hosea tells us that in order to be delivered from God's judgment, God's people must look to the God who pronounces the judgment. How does this square with what the apostle Paul says in Romans 3:26?

         May you be blessed by God's promise to replant, restore, and redeem [v.4-8]!

O ISRAEL, return to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled and fallen, [visited by calamity] due to your iniquity.2 Take with you words and return to the Lord. Say to Him, Take away all our iniquity; accept what is good and receive us graciously; so will we render [our thanks] as bullocks [to be sacrificed] and pay the confession of our lips. 3 Assyria shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses, neither will we say any more to the work of our hands [idols], You are our gods. For in You [O Lord] the fatherless find love, pity, and mercy.4 I will heal their faithlessness; I will love them freely, for My anger is turned away from [Israel].5 I will be like the dew and the night mist to Israel; he shall grow and blossom like the lily and cast forth his roots like [the sturdy evergreens of] Lebanon.6 His suckers and shoots shall spread, and his beauty shall be like the olive tree and his fragrance like [the cedars and aromatic shrubs of] Lebanon.7 They that dwell under his shade shall return; they shall revive like the grain and blossom like the vine; the scent of it shall be like the wine of Lebanon.8 Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have answered [him] and will regard and watch over him; I am like a green fir or cypress tree; with Me is the fruit found [which is to nourish you].9 Who is wise, that he may understand these things? Prudent, that he may know them? For the ways of the Lord are right and the [uncompromisingly] just shall walk in them, but transgressors shall stumble and fall in them.

Amplified Bible Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation


Exhortation- The Shepherd's Communicated Love-Wisdom!

Lord please touch and give comfort, wisdom and strength to everyone afraid of what is happening in Egypt and let them know… YOU ARE IN CONTROL! Being a military mom, it used to just trash me emotionally, but now... I know beyond a doubt... God is in the middle of all this with great Kingdom purpose... You have to settle your trust of God, because if you don't it will mess with your calling. He is shouldering this government- HIs military. Tears are good...He collects everyone of them. Whatever it takes for you to get back to being the message of the MESSENGER... He Messenger is responsible for the results of your message. God is in control. He is mighty- He is The Messenger is responsible for the results of your message. God is in control. He is mighty- He is powerful... never forget God, shielded by the shadow of Jesus ahead of you. You are His Word-Warrior... the fight is His! FOLLOWSHIP is a wise thing in the midst of a battle such as this!

Exhortation- The Shepherd's Communicated Love-Wisdom!

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