Week Of January 24th, 2011 Thursday, January 27-28, 2011
Make My Life A Constant Conversation With You!
The soul hardly ever realizes it, but whether he is a believer or not, his loneliness is really a homesickness for God. Hubert van Zeller
talk it up! twitter
We all have a homesickness for our Father God, help us to realize this is the root of our restlessness, loneliness and dissatisfaction! #prayer @worldprayr
We need God! We are homesick 4our Father God-help us to realize this is the root of our restlessness-loneliness- #prayer @worldprayr
Study: Know God/know hope? hosea
Friday – Read Hosea 14:1-9; Romans 3:26
In these verses we find an appeal by the prophet for God's people to repent of their idolatry, return to the Lord their God, and trust in God's promise of deliverance.
What does Hosea say has been the downfall of Israel [v.1]?
How has sin been your downfall? What consequences have you born or do you now bear on account of your idolatry?
To whom should Israel look for deliverance from God's judgment [v.3]? Hosea tells us that in order to be delivered from God's judgment, God's people must look to the God who pronounces the judgment. How does this square with what the apostle Paul says in Romans 3:26?
May you be blessed by God's promise to replant, restore, and redeem [v.4-8]!
O ISRAEL, return to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled and fallen, [visited by calamity] due to your iniquity.2 Take with you words and return to the Lord. Say to Him, Take away all our iniquity; accept what is good and receive us graciously; so will we render [our thanks] as bullocks [to be sacrificed] and pay the confession of our lips. 3 Assyria shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses, neither will we say any more to the work of our hands [idols], You are our gods. For in You [O Lord] the fatherless find love, pity, and mercy.4 I will heal their faithlessness; I will love them freely, for My anger is turned away from [Israel].5 I will be like the dew and the night mist to Israel; he shall grow and blossom like the lily and cast forth his roots like [the sturdy evergreens of] Lebanon.6 His suckers and shoots shall spread, and his beauty shall be like the olive tree and his fragrance like [the cedars and aromatic shrubs of] Lebanon.7 They that dwell under his shade shall return; they shall revive like the grain and blossom like the vine; the scent of it shall be like the wine of Lebanon.8 Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have answered [him] and will regard and watch over him; I am like a green fir or cypress tree; with Me is the fruit found [which is to nourish you].9 Who is wise, that he may understand these things? Prudent, that he may know them? For the ways of the Lord are right and the [uncompromisingly] just shall walk in them, but transgressors shall stumble and fall in them.
Amplified Bible Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation
Exhortation- The Shepherd's Communicated Love-Wisdom!
Lord please touch and give comfort, wisdom and strength to everyone afraid of what is happening in Egypt and let them know… YOU ARE IN CONTROL! Being a military mom, it used to just trash me emotionally, but now... I know beyond a doubt... God is in the middle of all this with great Kingdom purpose... You have to settle your trust of God, because if you don't it will mess with your calling. He is shouldering this government- HIs military. Tears are good...He collects everyone of them. Whatever it takes for you to get back to being the message of the MESSENGER... He Messenger is responsible for the results of your message. God is in control. He is mighty- He is The Messenger is responsible for the results of your message. God is in control. He is mighty- He is powerful... never forget God, shielded by the shadow of Jesus ahead of you. You are His Word-Warrior... the fight is His! FOLLOWSHIP is a wise thing in the midst of a battle such as this!
Exhortation- The Shepherd's Communicated Love-Wisdom!
I don't want to make money! I want to help God make His Kingdom Purpose and let be -be still and know He is My Provider- I am His called!
Wrote By Someone In Response To My Facebook Post:
The more our confession is that we don't need money, the more we won't have any.
With our words we are justified, right? : ) So if we change our confession, we change our circumstances! YES you want God's wisdom and heart, that shows in everything you write... but it's the LOVE of money that is evil, not the MONEY! With your husband believing for a new job, SAY "YES, I believe God wants to bless us in ALL things, including MONEY!" The more money we have, the MORE we can bless others!!! I hope I'm not over-stepping my boundaries... I just want you blessed in ALL things AND all ways!!!! love you!
My Thoughts I wrote this back to her:
I think you misinterpreted what I meant. I wasn't saying I don't "want" money, everybody who is human wants money...I was making a point that my heart longs for God more than I want money. I want to be a person who pursues my call to God as my first priority. Yet I don't agree with you on what I think you said. You can't change your situation by speaking/confessing anything into being. God speaks things into being, we don't. Life is all about God's Will at play in your life. But you can change "your" attitude by being positive, but not your circumstances, your circumstances are spoken into being by God, He has a great Kingdom purpose in my husband being out of work and He has taught us so much during this time. I would not change it. We have both grown so much in the things that matter eternally during this trial. So, I was not saying I did not "want" money, I was saying I wanted God more than money, I want His will more than money and I want to be pursuing Him, my call to Him more than I pursue money. He is my provider. Besides, we don't need money to bless others, we can bless others without having a penny in the bank. I can bless them with the things that eternally matter as they see God in my life, as they see me praising Him when my husband doesn't have a job and when we don't know where our next meal is coming from. Sometimes God's will for us is not fun, is not what you would want it to look like, sometimes it is an empty bank account and a jobless situation so that others can truly see His miracles of the heart in our trust, belief, endurance, faith, perseverance which are just as viable as miracles as His earthly provision. I believe the more we pursue God, the more we bless others no matter what our financial situation is, He takes good care of us... and provides everything we need from day to day, but not always everything we "want"… so my confession is that I want God more than I want money because I know that as I pursue God 1st, as I am submissive to His will, believe in Him, hope in Him and exercise my faith in the good and bad times, He will add everything else I need for my life to provide for me and to be used to bless others. I do agree that the love of money is evil, not the money, because money is a provision of God... but I don't know how you got that out of what I said, I never implied money was evil, it is funny how our perspectives on one sentence can be so different! What I said and what you thought I said... hmmmm I do believe God wants to bless us with every good thing, I pray for that and put all my hope and expectation in God... but for us, this season of trial has been a blessing, it has changed our hearts in ways that if God just handed us money could never have been accomplished... God knew what He was doing. I do believe my husband will get a job, I do believe God will give us exactly what He needs for His Kingdom purpose to be done in us. But as for confession... speaking something into being, name it claim it.... I don't believe that is biblical. With our Words of His truth we are justified, yes... but our confession needs to be Jesus Is Lord of my life and with it, He can do as He pleases in order to advance His Kingdom. I am His! I am blessed! I am blessed not because of my confessions, but because He is simply-significantly my enough. I have learned to be content with whatever circumstance I am in whether rich or poor, I AM HIS! Thanks for sharing your perspective and thanks for listening to my perspective. Lv ya... Have a great weekend.
They answered:
What the devil meant for harm, God turns around for good! The lack in any area is from the enemy, not from our giving and generous heavenly Father. I believe God blessed you diring this lean time. Yes. But he didn't cause It. If he took our poverty on the cross, how could He give it back? He was made poor so that you could be made rich. Yes, we can and should bless others in ways that have nothing to do with money-- but if you had an excess of it, thinknof all the good things you could do for others. Pay their rent, buy them good food, make sure they have a good safe car... And just think of the missions you could further!
I know this... God is so in love with you. He wants to bless you not curse you. Poverty was under the curse and Christ has come to free us from the curse!
When you said that our words can't change things I disagree. With words we are justified the word says. Life and death are in the power of the tongue!
Jesus himself said if YOU SAY unto this mountain be thou removed and thrown into the sea and shall not doubt it in your heart, you shall gave the things you say. How amazing is that!!!!! When we speak untonour mountains, and don't doubt, they will move!!!!! he said it. I believe it. And I LOVE you girl.
I pray Bob gets the job!!!!!!
Have you ever heard Joseph Prince preach???? Good stuff! Good news! Xoxo
My Thoughts I answered:
God is in love with me and I am desperately in love with Him! I can do much good for others and it has nothing to do with the money in my bank account! It has everything to do with putting God 1st! Yes, you are right, God never causes our lack but He uses it for His glory, He uses it for Kingdom good and the revealing of His God-Glory. So thankful for that! God Sovereign Will has the final say, He has the last Word and yet His Sovereign will is never far from His Infinite Love, they go hand in hand . You can say to the mountain move, but if God's Sovereign Will holds it in place for a season of time, for the working of a Kingdom purpose, then it isn't going to move when you tell it too, and if it doesn't move when you tell it too, that is when you cling harder to His Will and dig your roots deeply in His Love. Besides the fact that you need to read that whole chapter because that chapter tells you about a faith that humbles itself before God, in fasting and prayer, not in a name it claim it arrogance of telling God what to do. It tells of a God wanting His apostles to be completely dependent upon His will, His way and not try to do things on their own in their own arrogant dependence on flesh. When you walk this way with God, You know the will-heart of God, you don't pray outside of the will of God for cultural wants when you hear his heart through fasting and prayer. He wasn't speaking to them about earthly things, He was speaking to them about asking for money, a car, a home, it was about a demon that they could not cast out, about spiritual things. I stick to what I originally said, I don't desire money, I desire God and all that He has for me 1st! Life and death are in the power of your words, your words can either bring Jesus to the person, point them to Jesus or you can bring- point them to the world or a person to depend on, a dead letter theology, which is a certain death because those things all will die….to how you speak in life and truth that is a completely different concept as far as confessing things into being. I confess I am gonna be rich that God is going to make me rich.... no I don't believe you can confess yourself into something, that the more you say it and believe it, it will happen. God has a plan for my life and it is good and I trust Him completely because I know He makes His will happen for me. I know what He is able to do and I know He can do it and will do it according to His will and plan for me. I asked Him to use my life to reflect His glory. The enemy attacks, and God turns it to His glory. He is my provider and if He wants me to have excess, He provides it and tells me how to use it for His glory, if He allows me to have lack, He uses that for His glory too. The apostle Paul said, whether I am need or surplus I will be satisfied- content in Christ. How do you explain the Great Depression then? A bunch of doubtful Christians? Christians suffered along with everyone else, except they did not have poverty of soul, they were rich in the things that matter as God did not provide their wants but their every need- no one had extra money to help, but they had confidence, faith, peace and joy that pointed to Christ and help them endure and grow through a very hard season of life. What will you do if the world economy collapses? God does say in the bible that all nations will fall. Will you be able to be content? Will you endure to the end? Do you think because you can confess the mountain be moved, that you will not suffer? That you will not suffer long trials, have to wait on God? Not having everything in this world you want, not having "money" in the bank is not a curse, the curse is when you desire these things more than God, the curse is not having a willessness that says, if I lose it all, I will love you, I will praise you, and in the same, that which I gain is Yours and I praise you for trusting me with it. In this society, where everything is on shaky ground, you had better settle what the goodness of God truly is, because it is not only about the things you can place earthly value on, it is about the richness of His life, character, love and strength in you. You think of poverty as being something worldly, I think of poverty of being of the soul. Jesus had nowhere to lay His head, he went hungry at times, the King of Heaven was considered culturally the poorest among the people, (a lot of people did not ever know Him as messiah because they could not turn off the auto-pilot of their mind, the preconceived cultural ideas of what He should have been) yet He was the richest of them all in all that truly mattered. The poorest King was the one God used to deliver the richest blessing! The only curse about poverty is if it is in your soul. I know everything God could do for me in a second if He wanted to; I desire that… His want too… His passions-not mine. Just as Jesus knew He could call 10 thousand angels to rescue Him out of His suffering, yet He opted for the deeper Kingdom Purpose in play. Jesus could lay millions of dollars at my feet, but that is not where His Sovereign will is for me, it is for me to be rich in the things of Christ 1st, to be content with the lot He has given me for this season of time, because through it He is working out some AWE-GOD kingdom purpose. I don't doubt He could give me a million right now and if He did, I would not have any tie to it, I would use it completely like He asked, even give it all away when and how He asked. My heart is tied, knotted to His. You can confess all you want and your words of confession will never change His Sovereign Will for you and I kind of like that, being that He is in control and being that my heart wants things I don't truly need! My dearest friend died of cancer, she suffered so much. She prayed, she had faith, she believed, she confessed, she held tight to every promise, but God did not heal her, yet she was the brightest light of God I have ever known on this earth, and in her terrible suffering, she held tightly to God's Infinite Love, Glowing His Glory… until He took her home. My brother has lost every penny he made, his business barely holding on in this unfriendly economy. You would say, He is not confessing, he has doubt, he does not believe... but God is using Him mightily he has no poverty of spirit or belief... no doubt of what God can do… look around you, open your eyes, there are hundreds of Christians all over this nation that I know personally, and thousands and thousands and thousands more that I don't know personally that the Lord is allowing to grow through very hard economic losses and times... Why is that? Is it because they have doubt in their heart or are not confessing enough… could it be that God is giving them the treasures of the heart that only come when the dross is burned off the silver in order to clearly see the Image of Christ; that they will be able to share with the lost when things in this country are not going so well, they will be able to be in complete FOLLOWSHIP of God. Don't put God in a pretty worldly box, step outside and look at what is truly going on, because God does not always work the way you confess into being so… I challenge you with His Words… for a time and season such as this… God is doing a new thing, will you not know it? He spoke that to me out of Isaiah... He also spoke to me through Isaiah not to kindle a man made fire and walk by the light of that fire... I am justified by Christ Jesus in me, not by my words that I confess so I can have my way and be in culture comfort. Jesus was not comfortable in this world, and I intend to be like Him, never be comfortable with this world or its ways but be comfortable in the arms of my Savior- my Provider! My positive belief and hope in Him helps me to make the most of the situation He has allowed, nothing touches my life that God does not allow… this I do believe without one doubt! I read the book of Job… my circumstances do not have power over me, because my attitude is one of accepting what God has allowed and looking to Jesus in hope and expectation for the strength to endure all things He allows in my life, until He changes it. I believe in Him, I do not doubt His ability, I bow in submissive-humble-respect to God, giving the all of my life to Him every day to use, that makes me His missionary to the world and I don't need money in my bank account to be successful as a missionary, I need whatever He puts in my heart, in my hand that day and I give all of it, every bit of what He gives me as He directs. If God asks me for my last penny, to give it to someone else, I would do it, If He asked me to leave money in my bank account because He has a plan for it down the road… I do it… because I believe He would provide for me in my tomorrow, exactly what I need. It is nice to have a padded bank account, but I truly don't need it. I had one, I had a retirement account and now I don't, it hasn't changed the WHO of Who I am. It doesn't worry me because I believe in Jesus as my Provider! Jesus sent me a check for 1000 dollars last week; He can do anything in anyway, whenever and however He wants and it is to this God I bow my life, not to a name it claim it theology, but to the author of all! I trust Him to Provide, and I trust Him to Provide when He wants me to be the giver or the receiver! Jesus never did a miracle for Himself, even though He could and when He was tempted to turn a stone into bread, he did not, because it was not in alignment with the purpose of the Kingdom at that moment, even though He could of turned that stone into a five course meal because hey… how ignorant was the devil.. He was the Bread Of Life!!! Does my faith make you uncomfortable it does not fit into the comfort zone of your theology? Are you trying to fit me into your theology? I won't fit! Your Finite plan to mold me doesn't fit into God's Infinite design for my life! You say I doubt God because I don't have money and don't care if I do. You question my belief in God? You say, all I have to do is tell the mountain to move and it will move, but because I doubt God, my circumstances won't change and because of that, I can't be a successful missionary or a person who helps others people pay their rent, or fix their car… if I don't ask God for money with a faith confession… well I don't want to be that person confessing my want for money to help others… that is God's business, not mine! I want to be the person who points them to Christ, Who is all they need, who God uses to change their heart with eternal things, eternal character and strength. I want to speak the life of Christ in them, that helps them endure, be able to grow through every circumstance… money can't do that for them… they need the Provider 1st… so yes… I would rather have the power and strength of the tongue that carves Christ in their heart; that makes them strong to endure to the end for Christ no matter what their life situations; that shows them how to go to God for every need, in faith, knowing He will provide it in His way, perfectly and exactly according to His purpose for them… Because they can't take their car, their money or their home with them where they are destined to go… the riches I want for them 1st is their God, WHO is their provider and WHO will provide for them exactly what He wanted for their designed destiny on earth. Because maybe the mountain that God was trying to move was deeper than money and a job in us… maybe the mountain that day with the apostles was their own pride… their dependence on flesh and I can testify to you, that mountain has been removed, the reason for our lack, was a heart issue, God used the enemies stupidity and foolishness to shine a light in our heart that we never would have seen, to point out where we had exchanged the enemies lies for truth and now that this God purpose is achieved, God will restore to us all the enemy has taken plus more. I have no doubt. So the mountain I asked God to move had nothing to do with joblessness or loss of money, or lack of faith or doubt in my confession… it was much deeper than that and speaking this was speaking life from the tongue of a heart that had been powerfully changed by a God Who cared enough to do it through whatever means it took!
I don't want to make money! I want to help God make His Kingdom Purpose and let be -be still and know He is My Provider- I am His called!
I was wondering, Do you think I am cursed because my husband is jobless and we have lost all our retirement, all our money, you think I am living under a curse because I don't confess things without doubt. You have no idea… This trial has brought such blessing to us, worth more than all the money in the world. I would not change a thing, I would go back and do it all over again, because I lost everything of earthly value, and my loving God allowed that… but what I gained was eternal and a blessing from the Hand of God that no enemy can take it from me… and this is the true blessing. I pray the power and life of these words bring life to all that hear them. I have no job, no money, no retirement and no future according to the standards of this world, yet I am the richest person on this planet because my Father God has guaranteed it in Christ Jesus… my future inheritance, it is incorruptible. I cling to Him! I am so uniquely and wonderfully made and so are you. I was created to fulfill a purpose that only I can. So to insinuate that I stay under a curse caused by my doubt because my own confession is weak with unbelief or I can't help others because I don't have the money because of my doubt in my confession …. is well…wow… you don't truly know me or my God purpose… I am thankful God does… I had an occupation with a title and a salary for years about 30 years, with lots of money, things and a great retirement plan, but now I work from sun up through sundown for God, being His exhorter, encourager… I don't get paid for what I do in a worldly sense, I have no bank account, my husband is on unemployment…but my reward is huge in an heavenly eternal way. My life then, My life now is the same, I have the same common denominator and the same Provider and the same call to Him. In the eyes and the perspective of the world my 1st occupation as an administrative secretary was more acceptable, more successful, more understandable, yet I am the same person, under the exact same God, being loyal to what He has called me to as I am now. My calling to God is always 1st over any occupation, ministry or title the world prescribes, because all those things fade away with the political-economic seasons and tides of our culture and what is always left through it all is Jesus! Who would have thought that the economy would nose dive and we would lose our retirement, money and occupations? Does it truly matter, we have not lost Jesus! Yet you would have called us more successful in our Christianity back then, then now when you say we have not because we doubt. So in telling you all this, you know more about me, yet you can't truly know my heart or the condition of it… only God knows! No I have never heard of Joseph Prince nor do I care to unless God puts me in divine appointment with him by His Holy Spirit for His Kingdom Purpose... Have you ever heard of Jesus? Listen to Him 1st - heart to heart… Good Stuff! AWE-GOD! It is not time to box God in and put Him into a formula…..
Need Money? Function in God's currency 1st= faith-love-hope-peace-trust! He will take care of the rest!
\ / TODAY'S VERSE from HEARTLIGHT -- http://www.heartlight.org/
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
-- Ephesians 3:20-21
Sometimes there is nothing left for us to do except praise God!
While we may sometimes dream of doing great things for God and his Kingdom, the dreams aren't as big as God's plans. While we may be richly talented, influential, powerful, or rich, these are merely tools in God's hands, not symbols of our sufficiency. "God is able"
has to be one of the best and most accurate phrases in the Bible.
But this time, it's said about his work in you in me. He is able to do much more than we imagine to work through and in us. What can we say to that? Hallelujah!
PRAYER: Loving Father, please help me better know and live your will. I want to be your vessel of ministry, healing, blessing, and hope to those around me at work and play. Please use me to your glory today, and always. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Worship Wisdom! Songs Changing My Heart-Life! AWE-mazing God!
Have you bowed today? Humbly Surrender-Submissively To God! Bow Before Him Now
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ1Hlrs1Fck #tworship
charles spurgeon devotional
Do you not feel in your own soul that perfection is not in you? Does not every day teach you that? Every tear which trickles from your eye, weeps "imperfection;" every harsh word which proceeds from your lip, mutters "imperfection." You have too frequently had a view of your own heart to dream for a moment of any perfection in yourself. But amidst this sad consciousness of imperfection, here is comfort for you--you are "perfect in Christ Jesus." In God's sight, you are "complete in him;" even now you are "accepted in the Beloved." But there is a second perfection, yet to be realized, which is sure to all the seed. Is it not delightful to look forward to the time when every stain of sin shall be removed from the believer, and he shall be presented faultless before the throne, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing? The Church of Christ then will be so pure, that not even the eye of Omniscience will see a spot or blemish in her; so holy and so glorious, that Hart did not go beyond the truth when he said-- "With my Saviour's garments on, Holy as the Holy One." Then shall we know, and taste, and feel the happiness of this vast but short sentence, "Complete in Christ." Not till then shall we fully comprehend the heights and depths of the salvation of Jesus. Doth not thy heart leap for joy at the thought of it? Black as thou art, thou shalt be white one day; filthy as thou art, thou shalt be clean. Oh, it is a marvellous salvation this! Christ takes a worm and transforms it into an angel; Christ takes a black and deformed thing and makes it clean and matchless in his glory, peerless in his beauty, and fit to be the companion of seraphs. O my soul, stand and admire this blessed truth of perfection in Christ.
My Thoughts About This:
AWE-GOD! I so needed this! I have been beating myself up a lot about impulsive choices I made in the past and how they have hurt us in our now. I hate when I do something impulsively, react to an emotion or a thought without taking the time to align it with God's truth and be His Word in action. Sometimes my human condition just hurts… it hurts me to be this way and it hurts others when I do not trump my human condition with God's power, spirit and truth! Self Controlled by God instead of impulses set off by a human condition! This is what I desire! Jesus!
Verse Of The Day@biblegateway.com
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."" - John 4:24
Today's passage is from the New International Version, ©2011.
Notes From Listening To John Chapter 4
Pharisees were Jealous…. Jesus left and went to a town in Samaria by the well… Samaritans are not supposed to talk to Jews… Jesus asked her for a drink… If you knew the gift of God and Who it is that asked you for a drink… He would give you living water… She asked where can you get this living water, she looked at the natural… you don't have anywater… Jesus said the water I give will be a spring of water welling up to eternal life… the woman asked for the living water… Jesus told her the truth of her life, He did not let her speak a rationalized truth, He proclaimed the fullness of truth. Salvation is from God… the true worshippers will worship in Spirit and Truth… these are the kind of worshippers He seeks… Spirit and Truth! Jesus declared… I AM He…. Women went back to the town and said: Come and See…. Could this be the Christ… Jesus had not eaten, then Jesus said I have food to eat that you know not of. I eat the food of the will of my Father God… He put His calling over everything in His life… AWE-GOD! Many believed in Him because of the Womans testimony and because of Jesus's Words, many became believers… they heard for themselves and knew Jesus was the Savior of the World… A prophet has no honor in his own country… The man took Jesus at His word and departed and… the father realized that… it was the exact time Jesus said your son will live…
My Thoughts About This:
This really shows me again that Jesus always put His calling before Himself in anyway and He relied on The Father God to provide the provision for His life. His calling was 1st over everything. Another thing that touched me deeply was the man who asked for healing, He believed Jesus's spoken Word, He did not have to see, He just believed that Jesus did it. The Woman at the Well questioned Jesus because she could not see, but when He told her what only she could know, then she believed. How can we get from being the woman at the well, whose faith needed a little bit more to believe to the man who asked for his son to be healed and went just on the spoken Word of God?
Holy Spirit Inspired…. He speaks, I listen and obey… Thank you for teaching Me!
Galatians 1:12 (NLT) I received my message from no human source, and no
one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.
Go To Page 121 Of Streams Of The Dessert Send To Lee, Gretchen, Yvonne, Linda
streams in the desert by l.b.cowman
Exodus 14:21
In this verse, there is a comforting message showing how God works during darkness. The real work of God for the children of Isreal did not happen when they awoke that morning to find they could cross the Red Sea, but it occurred "all that night"
There may be a great work occurring in your life when things seems their darkest. You may see no evidence yet, but God is at work. God was just as much at work "all that night" as He was the next day, when the Israelites finally saw the evidence. The next day simply revealed what God had done during the night.
Are you reading this from a place in your life where everything seems dark? Do you have faith to see but are still not seeing? Are you lacking continual victory in your spiritual growth? Is your daily, quiet communion gone, and there is nothing but darkness around?
"All that night the LORD drove back the sea. "Don't Forget—it was "all that night". God works through the night until the morning light dawns. You may not see it yet, but through the night of your life, as you trust Him, He works. C.H.P.
"All that night" the Lord was working,
Working in the tempest blast,
Working with the swelling current,
Flooding, flowing, free and fast.
"All that night" God's children waited-
Hearts, perhaps in agony—
With the enemy behind them,
And, in front, the cruel sea.
"All that night" seemed blacker darkness
Than they ever saw before,
Though the light of God's own presence
Near them was, and sheltered o'er.
"All that night" that weary vigil
Passed; the day at last did break,
And they saw that God was working
"All that night" a path to make
"All that night," Oh child of sorrow;
Can you not your heartbreak stay?
Know your God in darkest midnight
Works, as well as in the day.
Exodus 14:10-26 When the Israelites saw the king and his army coming after them, they were very frightened and cried to the Lord for help.11 They said to Moses, "What have you done to us? Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die in the desert? There were plenty of graves for us in Egypt.12 We told you in Egypt, 'Let us alone; we will stay and serve the Egyptians.' Now we will die in the desert."13 But Moses answered, "Don't be afraid! Stand still and you will see the Lord save you today. You will never see these Egyptians again after today.14 You only need to remain calm; the Lord will fight for you."15 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Command the Israelites to start moving.16 Raise your walking stick and hold it over the sea so that the sea will split and the people can cross it on dry land.17 I will make the Egyptians stubborn so they will chase the Israelites, but I will be honored when I defeat the king and all of his chariot drivers and chariots.18 When I defeat the king, his chariot drivers, and chariots, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord."19 Now the angel of God that usually traveled in front of Israel's army moved behind them. Also, the pillar of cloud moved from in front of the people and stood behind them.20 So the cloud came between the Egyptians and the Israelites. This made it dark for the Egyptians but gave light to the Israelites. So the cloud kept the two armies apart all night. 21 Then Moses held his hand over the sea. All that night the Lord drove back the sea with a strong east wind, making the sea become dry ground. The water was split,22 and the Israelites went through the sea on dry land, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. 23 Then all the king's horses, chariots, and chariot drivers followed them into the sea.24 When morning came, the Lord looked down from the pillar of cloud and fire at the Egyptian army and made them panic.25 He kept the wheels of the chariots from turning, making it hard to drive the chariots. The Egyptians shouted, "Let's get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them and against Egypt." 26 Then the Lord told Moses, "Hold your hand over the sea so that the water will come back over the Egyptians, their chariots, and chariot drivers."27 So Moses raised his hand over the sea, and at dawn the sea returned to its place. The Egyptians tried to run from it, but the Lord swept them away into the sea.28 The water returned, covering the chariots, chariot drivers, and all the king's army that had followed the Israelites into the sea. Not one of them survived.
New Century Version Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
My Thoughts About These Verses:
Oh My Gosh! For as many times, I have read this account, I have seen it portrayed in movies, I never saw that part of them waiting all night… never saw it… it was there, but I did not realize they waited all night, It thought like the famous Charleston Heston movie that they got there and the sea was parted… but they waited all night long with the enemy blinded by God, God the Father putting Himself between them as He worked all night long to part the sea for them. They waited that long night with the enemy being stayed only by the pillar of cloud and the red sea in front of them. They were boxed in all night long with no where to go, it seemed as if God had delivered them only to bring them defeat, but God was working all through the night hours to bring forth His perfect Kingdom purpose in all of them! AWE-GOD… He is working in the unseen of our night and He will reveal the morning light and a Red Sea Parted! AWE-GOD!!
Holy Spirit Inspired…. He speaks, I listen and obey… Thank you for teaching Me!
Galatians 1:12 (NLT) I received my message from no human source, and no
one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.
Go To Page 121 Of Streams Of The Dessert Send To Lee, Gretchen, Yvonne, Linda
The Holy Spirit sent me to this page in Streams Of The Desert this morning! It was definitely for me then right after that, Bob got a email message about a job he tried to get a month ago, they said they had no openings. Then he gets up to find this morning an email saying they may have an immediate opening, that the owner of the company would call him. Pray for God's favor! But it is kind of cool that God has opened a door that was shut early on… kind of sweet. I felt I was to share this with you from my journal this morning. Hope it blesses you. Praying for you and so grateful to have met you at Christ Fellowship Online! Enjoy your weekend!
talk it up! facebook
AWE-GOD! Yes and AMEN! Every day is such an Omnipresent reality check of God's life in us and for us!
Pastor David:
May God bless you much on this God Adventure. One thing about God adventures is we have to turn off the auto-pilot, let the Holy Spirit have the controls because you are in for the ride of your life and He is the pilot... so go with the Altitude of the Holy Spirit and you will have a great God adventure!! He is incredible... put your hand in His Mighty Right hand and go ye therefore....
LOL... it is just almost the beginning of February... girl you got a ways to go, better learn to love the winter season 1st and that way the spring comes in with so much more joy! Love you! Be happy in the day you are in because in this day, you are a huge blessing to someone, because God has gifted you much!
talk it up! twitter
Hey! I love @worldprayr ministry! I am praying about it. God said wait! So I am waiting. He is working out some things in my life and I am totally following His lead. My flesh wants to jump in right now… I have the gifts, but that is not enough, you have to have the power and anointing, so I am waiting for my YES now is the time for you to do this. I have accepted an online mentoring spot with a church ministry and that is growing well, so I hope huge knowing that God will open the right doors at the right time for me. Thanks for asking. I do love @worldprayr! What are some of the serving openings you have that need to be filled? I will keep seeking God! Thanks!
talk it up! twitter
Father God, help me to always put my call to You 1st over my occupation. You are the Provider- I am the called! #prayer @worldprayr
I don't want to make money! I want to help God make His Kingdom Purpose and let be -be still and know He is My Provider- I am His called!
I am so grateful for God's Presence in my life! Yes and AMEN! Every day is such an Omnipresent reality check for us.
AWE-GOD Truth! Live This Way! RT @twiddlez1: "I live through #Him, not through the world's confused system of cares & woes." (John 10:10)
Yes and AMEN! RT @GetUpWithGod: Honesty is the best policy. Speak the TRUTH in LOVE. http://ow.ly/3LWbo Yes and AMEN! RT @GetUpWithGod: Honesty is the best policy. Speak the TRUTH in LOVE. http://ow.ly/3LWbo
Yes Lord... Only YOU RT @CarolineMueller: "You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust." Psalm 4: 8 (via @Lady_grrrr)
The Christian's hope for the future must have a sanctifying influence upon the present. -- D. Edmond Hiebert
****My Prayer! I Place All My Expectation In You, Almighty God!*****
Psalm 62:5 (amplified) My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved.
Father touch Yvette by Your Spirit today, draw her to Your Purpose, to Your Kingdom, to You and work out for her Your Perfect Way. You are her Way-maker Jesus!
Father be with my friend Debbi, who lost her hubby last year, help her to cling to You, dig her roots deeper in Your love, be her husband Lord Jesus
Father Touch Kimberly, Cathy, Derrick and heal their marriages, be at the center of these couples, make their marriages a three strand cord that is not easily broken. Jesus…
Father God, Healer Jesus and Holy Spirit of hope and promise be with Jennifer, heal her body, be in her every life situation as life and truth! Jesus! Name Above all names! AWE-GOD!
Praying4 God's best RT @fryskasimamora: @worldprayr: RT - Please pray for me about my school,my fams, my life, and all everything that i do. May the best of you come to this person Lord Jesus, draw them to You, draw them to a relationship that clings to You, digs their roots deeper in Your Love. Jesus!
praying 4 your dad RT @madred6: Asking for #prayer for everyone who knows my dad & loves him. #God loves us all. #spillmyheart Father God hear the cry of this daughter of yours, touch her dad, undergird her dad in Your mighty Right Hand. Draw her dad to You, and be the all of His everything. AWE-GOD!
May God Hold Her In His Healing Hands RT @ReenieBlessed: RT @DJLongers: Pls Pray For My Lil Cousin. She's Only 21 & Has Had A Stroke/Brain Haemorrhage. She's Now In A Coma!! @worldprayr
Jesus touch this 21 year old that is suffering and bring her to You, draw her to Your healing touch. Jesus, if she does not know you, please give her a chance to do so, to know her eternity, to know her King. Heal her body! AMEN!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AQL8Zk2sOk Knees to the earth! #prayer for Egypt and prayer for all our countries to return our hearts back to Father God!
I pray God would provide for you RT @WendyRiter: RT @worldprayr: RT - I desperately need a pay increase, pray 4 a good raise thx Father touch Wendy by Your spirit, speak to her heart about You being her Way-maker. Help her to put her occupation 2nd to Your calling and let You be her provider the ONE WHO can make her way! Jesus! Name Above All Names!
praying 4U RT @worldprayr: RT - Anon: Plz pray God reveal my purpose in life, I've been very eager 2 kno what it is! Thank u & God bless. Father reveal yourself to this person I pray. Disclose to them where Your Kingdom purposes are working in their lives. Bring them close to You, in a daily walk with Your purpose. Jesus!
Yes Lord! RT @githches: RT @worldprayr: Pray for those who are sick. May God use doctors hands to heal them or they experience a miracle
Yes Lord RT @Samke_LO: RT @worldprayr: Pray for all the husbands and wives who are disappointed. May God fill their hearts with hope & faith that things may be bet
talk it up! twitter
In our country, the political atmosphere of arrogance is trumping compassion- the essence of servant leadership! Jesus Change This In Us! #prayer
Thanks 4the new follow! I hope huge my tweets encourage you! Check out my website: http://thebridegroomscafe.com It will bless you! AWE-GOD
Precious Operation Prayer Warriors!
How Can We Ever Thank You! You All Have Been Amazing! Thank you! I so appreciate you hanging with us until the end of these deployments. Chris is home, Kenneth is on his way, probably mid February will begin his trek back to the states. AWE-GOD! Father God, You have done much! We are so grateful! Kenneth and Tina ask for you to continue to pray for them, help Kenneth to stay focused during these last few weeks, give him strength to finish things up and bring him home safely. Chris and Summer ask for continued prayer for Chris's shoulder. They have found he has extensive nerve damage, but he still has a couple of surgeries to go, so we are hoping huge that God will have the final say and heal his shoulder completely! This will be my last Operation Prayer Warrior update, so I wanted to go out with a huge PRAISE TO GOD in all humility and gratefulness for all He has done for Chris, Summer, Noah, Kenneth, Tina and Duke Dog J and their respective military units! AWE-GOD! It has been a pleasure praying and hoping with all the Operation Prayer Warriors! Yeah God!
Psalm 89
I will sing of the Lord's unfailing love forever!
Young and old will hear of your faithfulness.
*** YES Jesus all of us Operation Prayer Warriors will tell of your unfailing love, we be forever grateful for all the miracles, the love, the support, the provision and the hope you have bestowed on the McCarthy and Dougher Family and their military units! Thank you God!
***Father God thank you for your faithfulness to Kenneth and Chris, Your unfailing love has been with then and we are so grateful! Thank you for blessing our United States Military with Your Omnipresent Unfailing Love!
2 Your unfailing love will last forever.
Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.
**** Jesus, you have never left our precious warriors Kenneth, Tina and Chris, Summer and Noah, you have been with them, helping them to endure, guiding them and teaching everyone that Your unfailing love lasts forever. Thank Lord God. Thank You! We as their families
3 The Lord said, "I have made a covenant with David, my chosen servant.
I have sworn this oath to him: 4 'I will establish your descendants as kings forever;
they will sit on your throne from now until eternity.'" Interlude
*** Father God, thank you for the covenant you made with us Operation Prayer Warriors, thank you for hearing our prayers, for answering and keeping those we love in the palm of Your hand!
5 All heaven will praise your great wonders, Lord; myriads of angels will praise you for your faithfulness. 6 For who in all of heaven can compare with the Lord?
What mightiest angel is anything like the Lord?
*** Father God, there is no one like you. We praise you for being the common denominator during the separation of Chris and Kenneth from all those who love them. WE thank you Jesus for all the great wonders you did and are still doing to protect and keep them and provide everything their families needed! AWE-GOD! Thank You!
7 The highest angelic powers stand in awe of God. He is far more awesome than all who surround his throne. 8 O Lord God of Heaven's Armies! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O Lord? You are entirely faithful.
*** Father God we thank you for your favor and faithfulness to our United States Military, we are so grateful, for the power You give them to face such horrific things with strength and courage and to win the battles by the power of Your might! Thank you for being the true Commander And Chief of Chris and Kenneth, for providing for their every strength inner and outer! Thank You Holy Spirit!
9 You rule the oceans. You subdue their storm-tossed waves.10 You crushed the great sea monster.t
You scattered your enemies with your mighty arm.11 The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours;
everything in the world is yours—you created it all. 12 You created north and south. Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon praise your name.
**** Lord God Almighty, We praise You for the rule of Your justice. Thank you that you have scattered the enemy before Chris and Kenneth, you have proven to them of your authority and power. We are grateful that they never are alone, that their warrior strength is held up by Your Mighty ARM! Thank You All Powerful God for subduing the inner and outer storms of our warriors, for keeping them stable in You.
13 Powerful is your arm! Strong is your hand! Your right hand is lifted high in glorious strength.
14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Unfailing love and truth walk before you as attendants.
**** AWE-GOD! How strong You have shown Yourself to Chris, Summer, Kenneth and Tina. They have experienced through these deployments your Glorious Strength. Thank You Father God, we are so grateful for the righteousness and justice at the foundation of Your All and in the all of the everything of these two warriors, Chris and Kenneth You have been. How can we, your Operation Prayer Warriors ever thank You, for all You have done, for the justices that You have made right, for the righteousness, You have upheld in their lives. Thank You Father God!
15 Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord. 16 They rejoice all day long in your wonderful reputation. They exult in your righteousness.
17 You are their glorious strength. It pleases you to make us strong.
*** Father God, Your Holy Spirit has made Kenneth and Chris strong in the worst of times, and given them hope to rejoice in when their spirits were down. We are grateful for You, Holy Spirit, You have been their glorious strength in times when they felt they could not go on, it pleased you to make them strong in You. Gratefulness just doesn't say as much as we feel towards Your faithfulness to them. You heard our prayers and we all have walked in these deployments in the Light of Your Presence. We are forever grateful to You, Father God!
18 Yes, our protection comes from the Lord,and he, the Holy One of Israel, has given us our king.
19 Long ago you spoke in a vision to your faithful people. You said, "I have raised up a warrior.
I have selected him from the common people to be king. 20 I have found my servant David.
I have anointed him with my holy oil. 21 I will steady him with my hand; with my powerful arm I will make him strong. 22 His enemies will not defeat him, nor will the wicked overpower him.23 I will beat down his adversaries before him and destroy those who hate him. 24 My faithfulness and unfailing love will be with him, and by my authority he will grow in power.
*** Jesus you called these two warriors, Kenneth and Chris and you equipped them to what you had called them too. You raised up Godly- Tender –Warriors. You called us Operation Prayer Warriors to pray for them, lift them up in encouragement and hope. We see now in heavenly hindsight how you have protected them, defeated their enemies, beat down their adversaries and no weapon formed against them prospered! Thank you Lord God for Your unfailing love, it has and will be with them and they will grow and prosper as the warriors You have designed them, shaped them to be. Thank you that You steady their hand, make them strong and anoint them with Your favor. I thank you that their soul and flesh has not been overpowered by the wicked, because You have protected them. AWE-GOD! Thank You Lord Jesus… Thank You!
Worthy News Brief @worthyemail.com
The world is cold to the things of God -- as Saints, we need to be sure we're not allowing the world to numb us W/its coldness; Worthy Brief [worthybrief@worthyemail.com]
Study: Know God/know hope? hosea 4:1-6:3
Thursday – Read Hosea 13:9-13:16
In these verses we see a very graphic depiction of the impending judgment pronounced by the prophet.
Who does God say will save them from impending judgment [v.9-11; 14]?
What do we see about the current political & economic situation for God's people in verse 15 that might cause them to disregard the prophet's message?
Do we ever operate with a false sense of security in our lives because things seem to be going well?
Does your dependence & attentiveness to God diminish in times of flourishing?
Hosea 13:9-16
"You are about to be destroyed, O Israel— yes, by me, your only helper. 10 Now where 1st your king?
Let him save you! Where are all the leaders of the land, the king and the officials you demanded of me?11 In my anger I gave you kings, and in my fury I took them away.12 "Ephraim's guilt has been collected, and his sin has been stored up for punishment.13 Pain has come to the people like the pain of childbirth, but they are like a child who resists being born.The moment of birth has arrived,
but they stay in the womb! 14 "Should I ransom them from the grave? Should I redeem them from death? O death, bring on your terrors!O grave, bring on your plagues! For I will not take pity on them.
15 Ephraim was the most fruitful of all his brothers, but the east wind—a blast from the Lord— will arise in the desert. All their flowing springs will run dry, and all their wells will disappear. Every precious thing they own will be plundered and carried away. 16 The people of Samaria must bear the consequences of their guilt because they rebelled against their God. They will be killed by an invading army, their little ones dashed to death against the ground, their pregnant women ripped open by swords."
New Living Translation Copyright © Holy Bible, New Living Translation copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale house Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois, 60188. All rights reserved.
My Thoughts About These Verses:
I can really see when everything is going well and you have jobs and money coming in that you forget Who truly is your provider, you do get a false sense of security in yourself. Things change when your life gets turned upside down, then you truly do see Who is the miraculous in your provision. I can see how God would be angry, He gave them everything they asked for and still all they did was turn their backs on Him and complain… they wanted a king, He gave them one and then all they wanted to do was kill the king… Sadly to say that at times, my love and passion for God does diminish when everything is going great. I do want to be a person who is consistently in love with God, who is giving God their all and Who is loving Him always, in constant communication with Him always… This just shows the jealous nature of our God, and how much He desires for us to love Him 1st. We have so many idols…
Matthew Henry Commentary
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible is available in the Public Domain
God departs from a people, or from a person, when he withdraws his goodness and mercy from them; and when the Lord is departed, what can the creature do? Even though, for the present, good things seem to remain, yet the blessing is gone if God is gone. Even the children should perish with the parents. The Divine wrath dries up the root, and withers the fruit of all comforts; and the scattered Jews daily warn us to beware, lest we neglect or abuse the gospel. Yet every smiting is not a drying up of the root. It may be that God intends only to smite so that the sap may be turned to the root, that there may be more of root graces, more humility, patience, faith, and self-denial. It is very just that God should bring judgments on those who slight his offered mercy.
I can see God smile and I am smiling too as I think of the so many, many times God has interrupted my finite with His infinite. His purposes have a way of trumping our plans! I love to schedule myself, Oh... I am so good at it! But in the last 5 years, I have watched God interrupt my schedule, my plans, my dreams and I have seen even though I was uncomfortable and sometimes very lost without my schedule, the Heavenly Hindsight was so sweet!
#poiema Gospel Of John Study http://www.biltmorebaptist.org/poiema/
Memory Verse: John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it"
John 2:1-12
ON THE third day there was a wedding at Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.2 Jesus also was invited with His disciples to the wedding.3 And when the wine was all gone, the mother of Jesus said to Him, They have no more wine!4 Jesus said to her, [Dear] woman, what is that to you and to Me? [What do we have in common? Leave it to Me.] My time (hour to act) has not yet come. 5 His mother said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it.6 Now there were six waterpots of stone standing there, as the Jewish custom of purification (ceremonial washing) demanded, holding twenty to thirty gallons apiece.7 Jesus said to them, Fill the waterpots with water. So they filled them up to the brim.8 Then He said to them, Draw some out now and take it to the manager of the feast [to the one presiding, the superintendent of the banquet]. So they took him some.9 And when the manager tasted the water just now turned into wine, not knowing where it came from--though the servants who had drawn the water knew--he called the bridegroom10 And said to him, Everyone else serves his best wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then he serves that which is not so good; but you have kept back the good wine until now!11 This, the first of His signs (miracles, wonderworks), Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory [by it He displayed His greatness and His power openly], and His disciples believed in Him [adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Him]. 12 After that He went down to Capernaum with His mother and brothers and disciples, and they stayed there only a few days
Amplified Bible Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman FoundationPrev
My Thoughts
Becoming one with another person in marriage in every way is a spiritual thing. It is an unseen blending of two souls. My favorite memories of my wedding day, was the love that I felt for Bob as we were exchanging the vows, my hand in his strong hand. It has been that way ever since. He has been a strong source of love and encouragement for me. I loved looking into his eyes and seeing a reflection of the love I had for him in his eyes too and the bright love of Christ, brought the hope of a great marriage, which we have had because Jesus has always been with us, from that first day on…
Genesis 2:18-25 Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every [wild] beast and living creature of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them; and whatever Adam called every living creature, that was its name.20 And Adam gave names to all the livestock and to the birds of the air and to every [wild] beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs or a part of his side and closed up the [place with] flesh.22 And the rib or part of his side which the Lord God had taken from the man He built up and made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.23 Then Adam said, This [creature] is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of a man.24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each other's presence.
Amplified Bible Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman FoundationPrev
Jesus is the Word made flesh. What if The Word made flesh could take the truth of scripture and turn it into reality for you? After all we've just read about Him turning the common (John 2:1-12) into the fantastic. You can't change your spouse. We know that is God's job. But you can ask God to birth a love in you that never fails. Read 1 Corinthians 13 in The Message. Read it as a prayer. Ask God to give you this kind of love. (Above Written By Lori Frank)
1 Corinthians 13
If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.2 If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing. 3 If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.
Father God Give Me This Kind Of Love For My Husband And My Marriage:
A Love that never gives up.
A Love that cares more for (my husband) others than for (my)self.
A Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
A Love doesn't strut,
A Love That Doesn't have a swelled head,
A Love That 5 Doesn't force itself on (my husband) others,
A Love That Isn't always "me first,"
A Love That Doesn't fly off the handle,
A Love That Doesn't keep score of the sins of (my husband) others,
A Love That 6 Doesn't revel when (my husband) others grovel,
A Love That Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
A Love That 7 Puts up with anything, (from my husband)
A Love That Trusts God always, (with my husband)
A Love That Always looks for the best, ( for my husband)
A Love That Never looks back,
A Love That But keeps going to the end. (with my husband)
A Love That 8 Love never dies.
Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit.9 We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete.10 But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.11 When I was an infant at my mother's breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.12 We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! 13 But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation:
Trust steadily in God, (for my husband and my marriage)
hope unswervingly, (for my husband and my marriage)
love extravagantly. ( my husband and my marriage)
And the best of the three is love.
Thanks for taking this God Adventure with me as I walk with God and talk up a constant conversation with my AWE-GOD! Please check out my site:
The Bridegroom's Café http://thebridegroomscafe.com
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