Sunday, March 6, 2011

Military Families Perusing Psalm 13

Military Families Perusing Psalm Thirteen


Perusing For: Purpose-Truth

As a person in a military family/friend what truth, what purpose of God do I see in this Psalm for me and my military warrior?

  • I Like Verse 1! I See God's Purpose At Work In It!
    1 How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?
  • As a warrior in battle if you follow your feelings, it can put your life in danger. You must stay focused on the facts at hand and rely on your training. King David who wrote the psalms was probably one of the fiercest warriors in the bible.
  • King David was a warrior for God and yet as we read in this verse, he had emotions that ran deep. He was a tender warrior. In our walk of faith as military and military families, we can't ignore or shut off our emotions, we have to confront them and deal with them.
  • King David was a warrior for God and yet as we read in this verse, he had emotions that ran deep. He was a tender warrior. In our walk of faith as military and military families, we can't ignore or shut off our emotions, we have to confront them and deal with them.

Perusing For-Promise

What is God promising my military family/friend in this Psalm? What promise can I hold on to this week as my promise for them?

  • I love VS 5! This is such a great promise of hope for us military families.
    But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
  • Things never rarely go the way you plan them in military life. The old saying is hurry up, hurry up and then wait!! Isn't It! LOL! We all have experienced that!
  • Sometimes though it feels like your lives are turning upside down and you don't know which way is up. God's Sovereign will at times is so hard to swallow, but the truth is, it goes down so much easier with His Infinite-Unfailing Love.
  • His love will never fail us. So when you can't make sense of what is happening in your life, yet you know it is God's Sovereign Will in play, just remember that the two always go together. God's Sovereign Will Is Never Without His Unfailing-Infinite Love they go hand in hand! Thankfully for us, that is a good thing! AWE-GOD! men.

Perusing For-Praise

What does God show me in this psalm about praising Him?

  • I love Verse 6, it truly shows that King David, even in the midst of the hardest place in his life, where he felt God had abandoned him, he still praised Him.
    I will sing the LORD's praise, for he has been good to me.
  • Praise is one of the best ways to dig yourself out of a despondency fit. Sometimes it does feel as Military Families that we have too much to bear! Freedom is a huge thing and the people responsible for guarding and upholding it, sometimes do have a responsibility that causes great sacrifice from their families.
  • It does make life hard, yet praise lifts you out of that feeling of impossibility and lifts you above the situation at hand. Praising God is an amazing gift to your spirits! Just Do It!
  • You will see what I mean. You will see throughout the Warrior King David's life that praise truly gave him strength in the toughest of times, it clarified his vision at times when darkness was all he could see.
  • Lord, thank you for showing me the difference between bragging and praising because I realize it is a matter of the heart and where it is attached too. The issues of our lives do arise out of our heart of worship and what we care about most and that is why we need to cling to God, dig our roots deeper in His love and devour His Word! Warriors Always Praise Unto And For God! AWE-GOD!

Perusing For-Prayer

What verse can I use as a prayer for my military family/friend this week?

  • Verse 3 and 4 are great verses to show the heart of this awesome warrior was totally directed to His God.
    Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, 4 and my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
  • King David knew in the depths of despair over his impossible situation, Who to turn to. He turned to God, and He poured out His heart to God. I truly believe when we take our feelings and cry out to God, expressing them in words from the depths of our soul, that it validates our emotions and directs them in the way of expression with a divine edge!
  • Your feelings and emotions will eventually be actions and when you pass them through divinity by praying, sharing them with Almighty God, He shapes them into His passions and uses them for His Kingdom purposes. I can see that this prayer for King David as he shared his emotions with God, changed his focus off the impossible to the possibility of His AWE-GOD! How can I tell that? Because after he cried out to God, spilling out all the emotions of his heart, He was able to praise God!
  • God's love is so unfailing, so unconditional! He loves me even when my emotions are raging! I don't know about you, but when my warrior is out on the battle field taking enemy fire every single day, my emotions are blaring outloud and it is my responsibility to take them to God and share them with God, because He is able to take them and shape them according to His heart passions into powerful prayers unto the very throne of God! Been there and done that and God has taken some of my wildest emotions and made them into a prayer so useful for the Kingdom purpose of my warrior!

Perusing To-BE His! Just Do it

As a part or head of a military family, which verse helps me to be better, to act better, to trust God the best this week?

  • Verse 2 really does catch my attention from this psalm. I must wrestle with my thoughts as a military family member.
    How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?
  • I can imagine too as a military warrior, you too have to get your thoughts under control! Thoughts do shape our attitudes! The more we allow negative assumptive thoughts to run wild in our mind, the more negative our attitudes will be. How do you wrestle with your thoughts. You put God's truth up against them.
  • We have the freedom to think whatever we want, but if we let thoughts just grow out of control and our imaginations run wild, we will eventually be tripping up our steps! When we continue to chase a What If thought down a bunny trail of foreboding, it can't lead anywhere good.
  • My thoughts about giving the "What If" question freedom to stir up your mind is that God is in today, He is working in our today with us. So when we step into the path of "What If", it isn't God answering our question. Hmmm I wonder who it is!! The enemy of our soul loves to steal our freedom and our peace and one of the great ways he does that is by answering our "What If" questions! As a military family, you don't need to go there, because your life is already in a huge state of flux and staying in the day with God is enough!!



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