Philippians 4:11-13
Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.12 I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want.13 I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].
Amplified Bible Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation
Redirect My Pursuits AWE-FATHER GOD! I want to be redirected and be found content simply-significantly in Christ Jesus! I am learning this and it truly has been a redirection of what I have been chasing after. When I chase after my wants to try to keep myself in that all illusive human comfort zone, I am never truly satisfied, just burned out tired!
Crazy isn't it, that our comfort zones we strive to keep in place around ourselves are actually places of deep discontentment! Hmmmmm! Stop Chasing After My Wants And Step Out Of My Comfort Zone! Yes! I would rather be found in the flow of God's Kingdom Purposes, even if it is taking the path of spiritual risk and living dangerously for God.
Why? Because this kind of risky surrender makes me vulnerable, responsive clay in the Potter God's Hands! It is truly a risk to tear down my comfort zone and completely bear my heart to The Potter God, in order to be shaped by Him for Kingdom growth! True Contentment is a place I can only find in the perfect, Sovereign Will of my Father God, it isn't something I have chased down and created for myself, it is a position God placed me in at salvation, a position in His Grace.
When I chase my human rights, my worldly plans, my excessive creature-comfort-wants, I leave this position of God-Grace and step right into insatiable human discontentment, which I like to call "the human condition". I can kindle my own fire and walk by the light of it only temporarily, because unlike the light of God's all consuming fire, my fire flames out, not lasting the storms of my culture. Nothing I chase in this world, can replace the peace I have when I am positioned in my Father God's Grace! When I pursue God 1st, being called to Him 1st, I may not find this to be a hospitable-comfortable place for my wants, my plans or my dreams, but I need to stay put, instead of running from the discomfort I feel, because this for sure will be a place of God's peace, a position in Christ that surpasses all of the earthly things I personally chase after.
I am redirected by surrendered followship that plants me smack in the center of the flow of God's Kingdom Purposes, a place where inner contentment flows in abundance as I put all my hopes and expectations in God and He returns His Sovereign Will wrapped up in His Peace and His Infinite Love. Redirected by God's Holy Spirit, I am no longer chasing the wind, or being tossed to and fro by the storms in my life.
Pursuits redirected to Kingdom purpose, cause me to be caught up by the Holy Spirit, Who captivates me with His contentment and anchors me by His great hope. Positioned in God's Grace and in pursuit of His Kingdom Purposes, I know without a doubt that I have a great future and hope and my life journey is sweetened with God's Grace and strengthened by His Joy!
I don't chase my wants anymore; it is a futile race that I can't win. I run the race of faith and I persevere with a huge prayerful desire to be found in the perfect Kingdom Purpose flow of my Heavenly Father, because in this position, all things that are uncomfortable to my flesh will eventually be "Kingdom Good", and in this future promise and hope rests my contentment! AWE-FATHER GOD!
Written By Kimberlymac
Check Out My Website For Further Encouragement-Exhortations From God! Enjoy!
The Bridegroom's Café
I have written an amazing book, actually God wrote it to His Bride and I penned it. It will be an incredible journey for you with AWE-GOD. It will be available in 2012 online. If you are interested send me your email address at I will make sure you get notified when "The Bridegroom's Voice" is ready to be purchased online. God Bless You Huge!
The Bridegroom's Café
AUTHOR TABLE****************** The Perfect Valentine
BREAKFAST TABLE*************** Tighten Your Belt
FAMILY TABLE******************* A New Day
LISTENER TABLE*****************Forever Yours
MILITARY TABLE*****************Enduring Heat
SERVANT TABLE******************Drink Deeply
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