Week Of January 8th
Monday, January 9th 2012
Developing My AWE-GOD With An Attitude Of Gratitude!
2012 AWE-GOD Gratefulness! Today I want to express my gratefulness to
God for His faithfulness. God, I thank you for always being in my life! I am so grateful that nothing and no one can stop YOUR Presence from being with me. I am so grateful for YOUR Omnipresence, it is a source of comfort, security and strength for me. Thank YOU Jesus!
Genesis Chapter 11
There it is again in verse 4, a continuing theme for the "human condition" us human beings trying to make ourselves famous without our God!
Genesis Chapter 12
- God told Abram to leave his country, his family and his father's home and follow after His lead. Where is that kind of "followship" in the Bride of Christ today. We are so much about ourselves, that we don't even listen to where God wants to lead us. Forgive us Lord
- I think it is cool how Lot went with him, it showed that Abram shared his vision given him by God and led others to followship
- Even Abram the Father of Faith fell into the "common sense dependence" on flesh and fleshly manipulation through rationalization and misrepresentation.
- God had to miraculously intervene to protect the bloodline of Jesus by making Pharoah's family sick.
- Still God provided and he did not let Pharoah take anything from Abram, Abram was escorted out of the country with all, everything he owned. That is the mercy of God!
Romans 4
- I love how this shows how Abraham in complete followship of God, entered into the flow of God's Kingdom purposes, what God was doing and that was the turning point of His faith. He trusted God completely to set Him in the right direction, instead of independently going off on His own.
- Life is too big for us! We need God. Life is call to God 1st and in that we learn to trust Him completely, knowing we can't "do life" without Him.
- If we trust God, we don't insist on having a say in what He is purposefully working out in our lives!
- Jesus died for us and this an incredible act of love from our Father God and we need to embrace it with our whole life! ALL In 2012
- God does not want to just contract our Will, He wants to consume the ALL of us! Be All IN with God in 2012
- God is the Way-Maker! If we fully embrace God, then we will be in followship of His Way! When we embrace God, we embrace His purposes at play in our lives!
- If God says you will, then don't live focused on your circumstances that say you won't, but on what God said He would do!
- Purposely God promises us things we can't do for ourselves, therefore we need Him and His perfect timing tracks with His can do power!
talk it up! facebook
How has Jesus proven to be "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" in your own life? How would you explain John 14:6 to a non-believing friend?
Jesus said, "I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me.7 If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him. You've even seen him!"
Simply-Significantly Jesus!
Love is something we all do. How do we know how to love? We are born with the desire to love and be loved. Where does it come from? It is simply-significantly wired into our human condition by God because God is love in its purest and most perfect form. Our Father God demonstrated the sacrifices love makes by giving us, you and I, His most prized son, Jesus Christ to die for us, to reconcile us to Himself. You walk on a naturally designed path of love, it was created in you, so take the next step and embrace Jesus, the Son of God, Who is the sacrifice of God for the salvation of your future. You have love in human form, but it is temporary, conditional and does not stand the trials of our culture and it can't carry you any further when you die. Embrace Jesus, give your life to Him and you are guaranteed the Love of God that is pure, powerful and purposeful in its ability to give you a now and a future! Oh what a hope this love is! You have love for now, but Jesus is the way to, the fullness of love's truth and the best of life found in God's eternal love. Good or Best? I would choose best if I were you! God's love, found through Jesus, transcends the human condition with a forever promise. There is no greater love and no better way, truth or life! I love you and I want you to have the best! Choose the best today and that way is found by accepting the truth and life of Jesus Christ, God's Son! Jesus Christ is simply-significantly the best way to a tested truth and a forever life!
The art of living is to enjoy what we can see and not complain about what remains in the dark. When we are able to take the next step with the trust that we will have enough light for the step that follows, we can walk through life with joy and be surprised at how far we go. Let's rejoice in the little light we carry and not ask for the great beam that would take all shadows away- Henri J. M. Nouwen
2012! Great awe-God followship Adventure!
2012 Gratefulness! Today I thank God for my daughter Tina's husband Kenneth's Dougher family. I couldn't ask for any better family as a mom for my daughter to marry into. They have loved her as their own. When she graduated college, even before they were married or engaged, the whole Dougher family came to Florida to see her graduate. I never really appreciated that amazing gesture of love as I do now, sometimes in your busy times of life, you don't stop to see what you truly are blessed with. Thank you God for the Dougher Family, they are precious and they love my daughter well and I am grateful for that!
Joyce Meyer: Promises For Your Everyday Life
Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you;25 The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you;26 The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually).
God Approves of You By Joyce Meyer
We need to speak affirming words over people. We need to resurrect this benediction in Numbers 6:24-26: "The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; the Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace" (AMP).
In other words, God's smiling at you. Think about it. Every time you smile at someone, you're saying to them, "I approve of you. I accept you. You're cool."
God not only approves of you, He's smiling over you. He loves you! You need to get that so deeply rooted within your heart that nothing can ever take it from you.
When you're rooted in God's love, He's going to help you stand up in faith and start walking in obedience to Him. But you can't go ahead of Him trying to do good works on your own. You have to know the Word so that you can know who you are in Christ.
In Psalm 18:19, David said, "God is pleased with me." David wasn't perfect, but he knew God delighted in him. God is pleased with you too. Get that truth down inside you. He is smiling over you and He loves you very much. God approves of you!
Prayer Starter: God, thank You so much for loving me and for approving of me. Thank You for smiling over me. Your love has changed my life and I know that it will only continue to do so as I grow in You.
Exhortation- The Shepherd's Communicated Love-Wisdom!
I read your email and thought: Oh My gosh...I am tracking right with you Christy in 2012! Unconditional Surrender! Oh do I hear you and know how frustrating it has been for you, yet you are still growing, I admire that so much and it gives me great courage too! Yes! I took a huge, huge step in that over Christmas... Bob wants to rent the house and that scares the behjeeebies out of me! Because that means I have no where to go and my security if he loses his job is gone or if he moves in between jobs is gone... and all I have to look forward to is moving for the next 7 years... BUT I understand, we are in terrific debt and using the assets we have to our advantage is very good stewardship... so I did last years word... I submitted... But then I realized to engage the whole of me, I had to surrender. Submission is the 1st step to surrender I am seeing. After I submitted my WILL, I had a couple of really, really doooooooooown days... deeply down like not being able to get off the couch or stop crying down days. Asking Why Lord? Why Me? Why Can't I have a normal life????? Well, I found as usual God was faithful to answer those questions with some really power answers that shook me to my core... and yes focus was one of those answers... how in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus knew what was ahead, and God lifted His head to see beyond the pain to HIS real purpose. I guess He did that for me those two days, my purpose is not in this place or in any one person, it is in Jesus Christ and His Kingdom and all other things fall in place around that call. I must be called to GOD 1st, Bob and all other things second. Followship is huge for me this year, I have got to learn it... and the 1st step God showed me was to wake up my personal worship, my love relationship of worship of AWE and to supplement that with gratitude that is spoken, not just felt but spoken outloud in testimony. God has asked me also in 2012 to do everything I can do and everything He leads me to do to shatter isolation and engage people in the The Bride of Christ... kind of like a continuous cyber shout: We Are The Bride Of Christ... ACT Like It! And to encourage people to Wake Up Their Worship... not sure how all this will work... but I am following! Since I surrendered my house and all its contents (Bob felt we needed to sell half our furniture, to him it is just furniture to me it has memory meaning, why am I like that... Oh I wish I wasn't... and Why do the women always have to sell their toys and the men can keep theirs... LOL... so I am putting my beautiful bedroom suite, my Entertainment Center that I love, our living room set in Craigs list this week) And He is right, why should all that furniture sit in the garage for 7 years... So when I finally gave it all up, not just my will, but surrendered it to God, I got the most beautiful, joyful peace that came over me... crazy peace!! I actually left our mountain home this time and did not go through any down time when we got back here, I have been completely content here.
talk it up! facebook
To my Christian friends here on Facebook: Do you think it's ok for Christians to be involved with Harry Potter?? Movies, games, books...etc. Or do you think it's all fun and games?
My Thoughts:
Be called to God 1st and do whatever it takes to be ALL IN with HIM in a personal way, our relationship with God takes sacrifice, so for me in order to keep the sacrifice in my salvation, I am set apart and very careful what I put in my sight and hearing and I do this through a personal relationship with God, allowing His Holy Spirit to "prompt" me so I am not following after what is the "fun" in my culture as much as I am digging my roots deeply in the Kingdom of God. So for me, NO Harry Potter. Listen to God and be willing to be completely HIS in all areas of your life, because that is what HE did for us. Sometimes that means NOT participating in all our culture says is fun and games. The choice though begins with YOU and God. What would God do? What is God saying to you? Just Do IT! Listen To God and Obey Him! Be Called to Him 1st and not what you want. That is my take... enjoy your day!
Worship Wisdom! Changing Me! Speaking God's Truth-Hope!
You are My Hiding Place By Selah
Jesus be our hiding place, cause us to trust in YOU today, to find YOUR strength in the face of all our anxieties. #tworship
Sometimes It Takes A Storm By Jessica King
Jesus be our hiding place, cause us to trust in YOU- find YOUR strength in the face of anxieties. #tworship
We, who know Yeshua (Jesus) and have given our lives to his purposes have a big task at hand. There is a world of people who are hungry to know God and the time is short. The climate and geography may not be ideal and people around us might be critical, but the task still remains -- and we who love God must all contribute and stay focused!! Yes, we may come across some obstacles along the way but we cannot let them distract us from our calling!
Verse Of The
"[Treasures in Heaven] "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21 NIV
My Thoughts About This = Miraculous Musings! J
That is the key to living a life completely ALL in with God! Making God's Presence your most sought after treasure in this life. Boyd Bailey
Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious." Psalm 66:2
You praise Him for His glory, but in the process you receive the benefit of His blessings. Praise solicits the blessing of His security and peace. It is in the act of adoration of His character that you are comforted by His care and compassion. Praise produces peace that flows from a prayerful and sincere heart for God. There is a calm confidence that comes from crying out to Christ in praise and worship.
It is the battle cry for believers as they engage the enemy in everyday life. Just as the Lord instructed His children to praise Him in preparation for battle, and during battle (2 Chronicles 20:21-23), so you are wise to apply the weapon of praise as you encounter the world, the flesh and the devil. Praising the Lord is your pronouncement of His sovereign security in your Savior Jesus. Praise Him while you have breath, and you will bring glory to God.
"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him" (Exodus 15:5).
What challenges am I encountering that invites me to aggressively praise the Lord?
Related Readings: Isaiah 42:8-12; Habakkuk 3:3; Ephesians 1:12-14; Revelation 5:12-13
Praise to the Lord reveals the Lord. #praise, #Lord
My Thoughts About This = Miraculous Musings! J
The challenge of completely surrendering to His Sovereign Will, not just my will but the whole of me, allowing Him to lead me without any will fuss but with an undivided heart and a mind full of miraculous musing!
Friday, January 06, 2012
Developing My AWE-GOD With An Attitude Of Gratitude!
2012 AWE-GOD Gratefulness! Today I want to express my gratefulness to
God for Joyce Goeppner! Joyce is truly my sister in every aspect of the word sister, not by blood but by spirit. She is one of my best friends in this world. She is the kindest, most caring person I know and I am grateful Lord that you divinely connected us years ago. She truly loves me unconditionally and she tells me the truth in love when I need to hear it. She has blessed my life incredibly because of her seasoned servant's heart and I am grateful for her Lord God! Thank you!
- God saw Noah to be righteous, that is so cool… I wonder how He sees me and I hope that it is pleasing to Him.
- VS 5 Noah did all that the Lord commanded him. I know we read it like verses, but that was a huge, huge task to do and if he had not finished it, we would not have the animals today on this earth. All ic can think of in response to that is let it be so in me…. Let me finish the tasks you have given me Lord by Your Spirit and strength.
- I love that Noah's family was saved because of Noah's choices to be righteous
- I can't imagine that…. The floodgates of heaven were opened…
- Hmmmm two and two of all flesh in which there were the breath and spirit of life… God always made a way for us to have company and companionship. I love that about our God
- Wow… the water covered everything, even the mountains and everything died… consequences of sin and flesh out of control
- It pays to be righteous and do what is right, because it saved Noah and his family
Genesis 8
- God took care of Noah and his family during the storm and made a way for them
- He is our Way-Maker
- The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were closed… I can't even imagine what that might have looked like… being flooded by the Hand of God. Oh the Sovereign Power of God and how He stays His hand against us now… Power under control… meekness
- It so cool that Noah used a dove to find out if the land was inhabitable… it is like using the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment to know what to do next
- I love how Noah waited 7 days each time… Gods' perfect number
- Wow… 1 year and 10 days in that ark… and I complain about moving so much… It was God's plan, the way of the Ark to bring them to a better life, yet that year had to be very, very hard.
- Then God made a promise that He has kept about never again cursing the ground because of man. He said that man's heart is evil and wicked from its youth… hmmmm so true. We are nothing without Jesus!
- I love the promise in VS 22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. What a miracle it is as the seasons change and a reminder of the mercy of God.
- It is so great to step out into a new God Adventure like Noah did with the blessing of God upon you, what an amazing Father God is!
- I love that how God told Noah: I give you everything. Oh how we need to remember that in our day in age
- God promised justice for those who have been murdered and in Verse 6 He said tht if a man sheds man's blood, He will rise up another man to shed his blood…. This is the verse that justifies the military, they are called by God to make right the murder of others, also policemen… same thing…
- God made a Covenant never again to cut off all flesh… for all future generations
- The rainbow was the sign of this covenant that God would never flood the whole earth again. So when it rains and it stops, we see a rainbow and it is the assurance of God's Word to us
- It is so cool that God spoke that out, way back when… and He still is creating rainbows to show us that He means what He said… He is fulfilling His Covenant! AWE-GOD
- Interesting how Noah cursed Canaan because he looked upon his nakedness, he dishonored his father.
- Our lack of faithfulness does not nullify God or His Word. All men are subject to sin and held down by its power and control
- No one can be righteous without Jesus Christ. We all sin, we all follow our flesh.
- Sin is found in our mouth of cursing and bitterness and our feet are swift to shed blood.
- A sinner's way is full of destruction and it ruins him piece by piece and misery marks their way
- Sinners have no experience of the way of peace, they don't even recognize it. How sad is that?
- Sinners have no reverential fear of God.
- Everyone is accountable to God's Word and to God. No one is made right or justified by human doing. You can be doing good things and be very, very bad in your heart.
- The function of the law is to help us recognize and be conscious of sin and helps us build a strong faith and holy character.
- Jesus is the righteousness of God Who has been revealed independently from the law.
- God's righteousness, God's justification comes from believing and putting our personal trust, confidence and reliance in Jesus Christ (vs 22) He is our Messiah!
- In Christ Jesus we find a Grace, given by God that includes an incredible unmerited favor and mercy for us. AWE-GOD
- Reconciliation by the blood of Jesus, a cleansing a life-giving sacrifice of atonement and we receive this by faith in Jesus Christ
- Divine Forbearance in the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ
- We accept Jesus by faith and the law has nothing to do with our justification. Jesus is our Way-Maker and it is just as if we never sinned!
- Through Jesus Christ we live with a firm reliance on His Holy Spirit Who prompts us according to His Word. The law is not dead, Jesus is alive and we confirm and establish His law as we obey Him.
I loved this 8th chapter of Genesis, because it showed the Sovereign Storm of God and how God used that storm to make things right and just upon the earth. Righteousness was highlighted as a keeper, a deliverer from the consequences of the unrighteous. I love the value and worth God placed on the righteousness of Noah. It was cool to see how God's reach pulled in the family of the righteous out of danger into His safety net of mercy. It shows the gift your righteousness (from every moment to every choice) can be for your family. God rewarded one man's righteousness with His Mercy. God showed Himself strong as a Way-Maker for the habitually righteous, even in the middle of a Deadly Sovereign Storm. The Father God keeps the righteous in the palm of His Mighty Right Hand! Noah walked consistently upright before God all the days of His life and God saw it and with His good pleasure rewarded it with deliverance from His judgement upon evil. Righteousness is always rewarded with the goodness, favor, justice and care of our Way-Maker God and for that I am grateful, infinitely so!! God made a way for the remnant of righteousness to prevail. God protects the righteousness of men, even if they are "growing through" a Sovereign Storm created by the unrighteousness of others. God's way out, His path to deliverance was not comfortable or easy and probably not one we in our human condition, would have chosen to take. How difficult it must have been to prepare the Ark, get everything done God asked and spend one year in an Ark filled with animals, not knowing if you would survive the Sovereign Storm, having enough provision to even live through it. Been there and grown through that! God provided for them during the Sovereign Storm in ways He Himself could only do. The Father God was their Way-Maker, to make available a perfect and safe way of escape for them from the Ark to a fresh new God Adventure. They stepped out of the Ark after the Sovereign Storm onto Holy Ground that had been purified by Almighty God. With great Kingdom purpose, their 1st step out of the Sovereign Storm was made upon the promise and blessing of God. God blessed them and promised that He would never curse the ground and would continue to be the Miraculous-Provision and God-Favor of every seedtime and harvest, every season change, every day and night! AWE-GOD! The Father God took excellent care of the righteous man and his family and made a way for them to "grow through" the Sovereign Storm and break through to the other side of new life. I have had many "Ark" stories in my walk with AWE-GOD and I bet you do too! Times where I have been mercifully delivered by way of an "Ark" situation, where it did not seem the most comfortable way to ride out a Sovereign Storm, but eventually it ended up sooooooo GOD GOOD at the center of His Kingdom Purpose flow! Thank You Lord God! As I read about Noah, I realized in the deepest of ways that "Righteousness Matters To God" - He Places High Value On It - He Rewards It With SOVEREIGN GOD-GOODNESS in that special way only HE can! Every time I see a rainbow, I am encouraged by God's Covenant to me. In the rainbow, I see God's value for righteousness highlighted and His faithful covenant to the upright. God continues to highlight righteousness through His rainbow and it gives great hope to those who consistently walk in covenant relationship - All In with God. AWE-GOD!
talk it up! twitter
It's Friday RED FRIDAY Wear RED with pride too (R)emember (E)veryone (D)eployed, Serving at home & their families ~ #HONORVET #MIA #POW #SOT #MILITARY via fb @kev125
Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional
Psalm 34:8
O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.
Amplified Bible
Know God's Character By Joyce Meyer
It's important that we know God's character. Why? It gives us discernment. If we don't know the character of God, how can we ever know who is from God and who is not from God? Here are three character traits of God that help me stay in tune with who He is and what He is doing:
1. Justice: God is a God of justice. That word justice is so awesome because it means that He will always make anything that's wrong right. This helps me to not worry when I am mistreated because I know God will bring justice. It's who He is.
2. Goodness: God is good, this fact never changes. And He's good all the time, not just once in a while or when things go your way. Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him" (NIV). When things are bad, I find great encouragement in God's goodness.
3. Holiness: God is holy and righteous, and He desires to make us holy, pure and clean, free from the defilements of sin. To be honest, it has helped me in my walk with God to realize that whatever He does is right, whether I like it or not. This helps me to stay in sync with Him.
These three traits are not the only characteristics of God, but they are some of the most significant and powerful ones to me.
I encourage you to spend some time looking up these traits, and other traits of God that are important to you. When you study who He is, the Holy Spirit will help you incorporate His traits into your own personality. Begin to practice them in your daily life, and see what God does... You won't be disappointed.
Prayer Starter: God, You are wonderful. Your justice, goodness, holiness, and countless other traits amaze me and remind me of how great You are. Continue to remind me of Your character so I can become more like You.
My Thoughts About This = Miraculous Musings! J
I love that God is a God of justice. I love that He will always right the ways I have been wronged by people and life. I stand in AWE of His Holiness and my imperfections seem huge in the LIGHT of His purity. Amazing God! I want to be like Him.
Thursday, January 5th 2012
Psalm 34:19
Many evils confront the [consistently] righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Amplified Bible
Developing My AWE-GOD With An Attitude Of Gratitude!
2012 AWE-GOD Gratefulness! Today I want to express my gratefulness to
God for my daughter Bonnie. She has HIS giving and caring heart of compassion. She is truly invested in the lives of others around her. She is a servant, who does more than talk about helping you, if you are a friend of hers and you have a need, she is with you and doing what it takes to help you, even at her expense.
Do everything in its own time; do everything in earnest; if it is worth doing, then do it with all your might. Above all, keep much in the presence of God. Never see the face of man until you have seen his face, who is our light, our all. Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Verse Of The Day
"Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:16-17 NIV
Notes From Listening To Isaiah Chapter One:
Vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
Listen Oh Earth, the Lord has spoken. I reared children but they rebelled against me. They do not know or understand me. Sinful nation… loaded with guilt. Children given to corruption. Forsaten the Lord, turned their backs on God. Why do you persist in rebellion… Your whole heart is afflicted, no soundness. Your country is desolate… your fields stripped by foreigners…. Isn't that the truth about our country right now. The Lord left some survivors—a remenant. The multitude of your sacrifices, mean nothing. Who has asked you to sacrifice meaningless offerings. I can't bear your evil assemblies, my soul hates and they burden me. When you pray, I will hide my eyes from you and I will not listen because your hands are full of blood. Take your evil deeds out of my sight and stop doing wrong, do what is right: seek justice, plead the case of the widow, help the oppressed. Sin as scarlet shall be white as snow. If you are willing and obedient you will eat the best of the Land… resist and rebel you will be delivered to the sword. Righteousness used to be in you, but now your silver has become dross. Rulers are rebels, who chase after bribes and gifts, they do not defend the fatherless. The Lord will revenge his enemies and turn His hand against us, purge away dross and remove impurities, I will resotre your judges as days of old… You will be called the city of righrteounes, the faithful city. Rebels and sinners will be broken and those who forsake the Lord will be dealth with. Mighty men will become tinder and his work will burn with no one to quench the fire.
My Thoughts About This = Miraculous Musings! J
It sounds so much like God is speaking right to the United States of America. Ouch! In all of this, I will bow and pray to be forgiven, pray for our country to repent and turn back to God and I will hope in the one verse that promises: If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best of the Land
Isaiah 1:13-17
"Quit your worship charades. I can't stand your trivial religious games: Monthly conferences, weekly Sabbaths, special meetings— meetings, meetings, meetings—I can't stand one more! Meetings for this, meetings for that. I hate them! You've worn me out! I'm sick of your religion, religion, religion, while you go right on sinning. When you put on your next prayer-performance, I'll be looking the other way. No matter how long or loud or often you pray, I'll not be listening. And do you know why? Because you've been tearing people to pieces, and your hands are bloody. Go home and wash up. Clean up your act. Sweep your lives clean of your evildoings so I don't have to look at them any longer. Say no to wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless. Message Bible
My Thoughts About This = Miraculous Musings! J
It is time, this 2013, like no other to wake up and wash up our worship from the inside to the outside! Worship God in purity of heart 1st and be undivided in heart with deeds led by the prompting of His Holy Spirit!
Isaiah 1: 16-20
Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes! Cease to do evil, 17 Learn to do right! Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. 18 Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; 20 But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
Amplified Bible
My Thoughts About This = Miraculous Musings! J
2012 is the time for extreme followship of Jesus Christ, a season of time for Christians to be found in the purity of holiness in an unprecedented excellence of heart, character, attitude and action! Our lives should consistently be positioned in a Holy Alliance with our Awe-GOD and be found in the flow of His Kingdom purposes!
Notes From Television Show by joyce meyer ministry
John 10:10 is satan's assignment against us.
- God came to give us life in abundance, joy and peace so we could enjoy our lives
- God does not want us to go through life without enjoying it
- Joy is strength, so satan tries to seal our joy
- James 4:7
- Simply- Significantly do what God tells you to do. Submit yourself to God!
- We want to do what we want to do, what we "feel" and what we "think" we want.
- The power to resist the devil is in submitting to God.
Whatever God shows you, get in alignment with it. Obey God! - In 2012 learn to be promptly-radically-extremely obedient to God. 1st Choice 4 God! 1st Call 2 God!
- Every day of our lives we have to discipline ourselves – sin is not dead, we are dead to sin! Joyce Meyer
- Obedience is directly connected to how much we love God. We don't want to grieve Him Joyce Meyer
- I want to be someone God can be proud of, so I obey Him. Joyce Meyer
- If you choose to wait on God, He will bring the right thing at the right time. Joyce Meyer
- Be disciplined in your "voice tone"! Sometimes it is not so much what you say, but the way you say it. Joyce Meyer Isaiah 58:9 Isaiah 58:6-9
- "This is the kind of fast day I'm after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts. What I'm interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once. Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage. Then when you pray, God will answer. You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.'
- The Message (MSG) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson
- Our mouth is the most difficult area to discipline and control. Joyce Meyer
- It is hard! I'm trying! Spend less time trying and more time waiting on and with God for what you need to "grow through" in your hard situation.
- Ask God For Help: God if you don't help me keep my mouth shut, I will get into trouble with it today! Joyce Meyer
- Satan will mess around in your circumstance to get you to lose focus on God and start complaining.
- When we complain about our circumstances, we usually end up remaining in them. Complain-Remain! Joyce Meyer
- Praise raises us above our circumstances. Praise to raise – complain to remain!
- 1 Cor. 10:8 When we don't obey and make excuses for it: Well I know I should… But consequences are death in the circumstances and death in the soul
- A grouchy, complaining person is not going to be happy no matter what you do for them! Joyce Meyer
- Satan is determined to destroy but you can break his assignment by spending quality time with God and obeying Him. Joyce Meyer
talk it up! twitter
True friendship is rare on earth. It means identifying with someone in thought, heart, and spirit.-Oswald Chambers #ThankfulThursday
AWE-GOD! RT @PattyTownley: I awaken, and even before the sun comes up, my first desire is for You, oh Lord, to greet the day with You.
Such Godly Wisdom... let it be so! RT @TamiHeim: To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.—Unknown
The angel of the Lord guards all who fear him, & he rescues them. Ps 34 @Kmac4him
Omnipresent Reality Check! YES He Is Here! RT @aheartforgod: He is here, He is near us, calling us to trust in Him :) #Jesus #Tworship
D Sharritiner Life is hard at times! But GOD is tougher, we have to persevere through until He breaks through in all the glory of His Kingdom purpose
@anonybrit I thought that was a great one too. Sometimes we stretch our recovery way, way, way tooooooo long! Human comfort doesn't=growth/ @anonybrit just favorited your tweet: Let God restore you, don't stay in recovery all your life. Joyce Meyer
talk it up! facebook
Rumors are created by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots! Peg's Facebook Status
My Response:
The Father Of Lies started the 1st one, telling Eve that God was not for her, that He was keeping something good from her. satan was a hater of our life and Eve had the foolish human condition we all have! I pray we all walk with God from moment to choice and never be the enemies idiot! Let it be so!!
Yes it is and we are grateful! I am hoping to use the book to train some chat hosts at our church. I think no matter what we do this year, we need to develop an "extreme followship" habit and be ALL In with our AWE-GOD! Lv ya Toni Page Birdsong
To Sherri Moore:
Ouch! When things just pile up against you, the only thing I have found that works for me is to turn each worry in my head to a prayer for God's provision and then tack on to that a praise for something you are grateful for and then power punch the enemy with a promise of God, something like this one: Psalm 34:19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; Hope That Helps! Prayer-Praise-Promise! Lord, I pray for Your Provision for Sherri, I pray Jesus You would make her strong in her faith and be her Way-Maker! AWE-GOD!
****My Prayer! I Place All My Expectation In You, Almighty God!*****
Psalm 62:5 (amplified) My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved.
Father God, touch my nephew Mike, give the doctors wisdom on how to help him, heal his heart Jesus!
He executes justice for the fatherless-the widow- loves the stranger or temporary resident and gives him food-clothing. #ThankfulThursday
Jesus give Bob favor with Life-Cycle Construction. Open the doors of YOUR Provision. Jesus!
Father God guide us in knowing the next steps in renting our home, selling our furniture. I pray for YOUR favor Jesus. Guide our steps. Open the doors no man can open, close the doors that are not in Your perfect plan.
Jesus show us what to do about our health insurance. Guide us, speak to us and show us.
Father God be with Kim as she recovers from her surgery, hold her Jesus in YOUR healing hands. Take her step by step by YOUR Wisdom. Jesus!
It seems like it takes so long to change at times, Father God change me, create in me the heart of a Good Stewart this 2012.
D Sharritiner Praying for you today for the fullness of God's Provision to be in your day as you are ALL IN with HIM! AWE-GOD!
Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional
Deuteronomy 10:18
He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger or temporary resident and gives him food and clothing.
Social Justice By Joyce Meyer
It's simply wrong to see or hear of someone in need and do absolutely nothing. Let me explain...
Awhile ago, the Lord revealed to me just how strongly He feels about wanting me to work for justice for the oppressed. It's part of His calling for all in the body of Christ. He's been looking for people to help the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed, the poor, the lonely and forgotten since He gave the law in Old Testament times.
Speaking through Moses, He said, "You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child" (Exodus 22:22 AMP). God is not partial, "He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger or temporary resident and gives him food and clothing" (Deuteronomy 10:18 AMP). God told the people that if they fed the strangers, the widows and the fatherless, He would bless the work of their hands (see Deuteronomy 14:29). Some of the most lonely and forgotten people in the world today are the girls who have been forced into prostitution in order to survive, the orphan boy in Africa whose parents have died of AIDS, the prisoner who spends day after day alone in a prison cell, the homeless man living on the streets...there are plenty of people in need out there.This can all seem overwhelming, and you might be thinking, "What can I do about this?' God has taught me that while I cannot solve everything, if I relieve the suffering of just one person, I am making a difference.Please don't think that what you have to give isn't enough. The hurting, broken, hungry and homeless are all around. Will you help them today?
Prayer Starter: Lord, You clearly care about helping those who are poor and lonely. Give me Your heart for justice and show me the hurting and broken that You want me to help.
Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional
Proverbs 3:5-6 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
Boundaries Have a Purpose! By Joyce Meyer
Exercising self-control and self-discipline, and establishing boundaries and borders in our life are some of the most important things we can do. A life that has no discipline is one that's filled with carelessness. The Word of God establishes the necessary boundaries to keep us in God's safety zone. It tells us what we can do, and what we better not do, to be safe. As Christians we can think it's kind of exciting to live life on the edge. We like the image of "Yeah! That's me! Living on the edge!" It's become a popular way of looking at life. But to be honest, God doesn't want us living on the edge, because if we're living on the edge, then we have no margin for error. Highways have lines, one on each side and one in the center. These lines provide margins for our safety while we're driving. If we go over the line on one side, we'll go into the ditch. If we cross over the line in the middle, we could get killed. We like those lines because they help keep us safe. It's like that in our personal lives, too. When we have boundaries, borders, and margins, we feel much better and experience God's peace. The key is to go to God's Word, where He has laid out all the boundaries we need to live by. Let God direct your path every day.
Prayer Starter: God, I recognize the need for boundaries in my life. As I read Your Word, show me how to apply Your healthy boundaries in my life today.
Worship Wisdom! Changing Me! Speaking God's Truth-Hope!
I Give Myself Away: By William McDowell
Father God, Cause Us To Give Ourselves Away So You Can Use Us For Your KingdomGlory!
Jesus cause this generation to embrace surrender to YOU, giving our lives away for the best of YOU to be through us! #tworship
Father God I pray that all of us will give our lives away this day for You, be all in with Your Kingdom purposes today! #tworship
Genesis 4
- I like how Eve gave God the credit… I have begotten a man with the help of the Lord
- Oh My Gosh, I can see how enmity between brothers is a generational sin that started with Cain and Able. Oh how we have to break it. We had it growing up with my grandfather and his brother and then my uncle and his brother and then my brother and his brother… I pray that God breaks this generational curse in our family.
- Wow… God knows every murder, how sad is that how the blood of his brother was crying from the ground to Him.
- Wow and the consequence was instantly proclaimed in how nothing would seed life for Cain, it is as if the life he took away, stopped the seed bearing life that brought provision and prosperity from God. Very interesting…. He called him a degraded outcast. Degraded: Tainted-Corrupted-Ruined.
- Wow, Cain said that the punishment was more than what He could bear and I realize as he spoke that he was talking about how he could not bear being separated from God. Thank you Jesus for taking away this curse from us! We can be forgiven and we can have God's Presence in our lives because of YOU, Jesus! Thank you!
- Eve truly felt the consequence of her sin as her son died and she realized for the 1st time death! After living in the Garden of Eden, it had to weigh so heavy upon her soul. BUT God, He gave her Seth to ease her pain.
Genesis 5
- Wow Adam lived 930 years! Wow!
- That is so cool about Enoch, how God took him home with HIM, because He lied in habitual fellowship with God. Constant Conversation! Hmmmmmm very cool
- Noah! He named him Noah because he said that this child would bring relief and comfort from the toil of their work, grievous toil of their hands due to the ground being cursed by the Lord. God created them to have everything they needed, then the enemy came in to steal that away by tempting them with the very thing he took from them. Telling them God had withheld from them, that God had not given them everything, creating in them a desire for more than what was provided for them. In falling to the temptation they lost out.
Genesis 6
- Interesting how when the men became greedy and lustful, God shortened their life span.
- Wow! The Lord saw the wickedness of man and how great it was and by His standard he realized that there was not much good, in fact he saw that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was evil and the word used… continually.
- I think that as human beings in this human condition that we have, that we will sin, I don't see how we can't, sometimes sin happens. But the thing God really deals with is when it gets to be habitual sin that is unrepentant by the sinner. When I fall into sin, I immediately grieve over it, my conscious is very strong for God and I ask for forgiveness and I learn from it. I think that is different from someone who is just habitually sinning, all the time, not changing, not moving towards God's holiness.
- Oh my gosh… I can relate to that: The Lord regretted that He had made man. I can imagine how He felt and I can imagine how He feels today in our generation.
- God wanted to destroy everything because He was grieved by us.
- But Noah! Noah was an upright man, just and blameless and walked in habitual fellowship with God.
- Can you imagine being Noah and God telling Noah He was going to end it all! Wow!
- The task that Noah was given was huge! I mean we read it but we don't realize the scope and range of it. Every seed bearing thing, he had to collect. Every animal! And he had to build an Ark…
- Then it says: Noah Did This! He Did All God Commanded Him To do!
- Oh, to be like Noah, to be like Noah to have the obedience that makes the sacrifice of action and gets the God-Job done!
Romans 2
- Wow! Those are strong words! Judging and condemning someone else, you judge and condemn yourself. The golden rule again. Do unto others as will be done unto you.
- So true, we spend our lives pointing our fingers at others and don't realize there are three fingers pointing back at us
- Do we presume upon God's kindness and forbearance? Do we test His patience and longsuffering? I think so! I don't want to be a person who does.
- God's kindness has a purpose that is not what we think. It is meant to change us to push us into the arms of His Sovereign Will for us.
- We will answer to God, there is no doubt about that, we will be judged according to what we did in our lives. There will be no one to blame, it will be only us and God. Blame is obsolete in heaven.
- This actually shows who God will give eternal life to VS 7 the patiently persistent God being and God doers, who are seeking eternal things and giving glory and honor to God
- Tribulation and anguish for the soul of the man who habitually does evil
- Habitually, there is that word again!
- Heart peace is the reward of the habitually righteous. Those making right choices from moment to choice. VS10
- It not just hearing what is right, it is doing it and in this we are justified with God
- Our sense of right and wrong is fed by The Word of God
- Our decisions and our arguments of reason acted out either defend us or excuse us before God
- Even the things we conceal now, we will be judged by God later, our very thoughts! Wow!
- You can discern and endorse the better things in life when you have a sense of what is vital, through the Word of God
- The first person you teach, must always be yourself because the first person God leads is you.
- It is hard to say you are a Christian when you don't act like one. This is careless living, negligence against God's Word and reputation.
- A Christian is one inwardly 1st and relationship with God is of the heart first.
Genesis 4:10-16
And [the Lord] said, What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood is crying to Me from the ground.11 And now you are cursed by reason of the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's [shed] blood from your hand.12 When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield to you its strength; you shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth [in perpetual exile, a degraded outcast].13 Then Cain said to the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear.14 Behold, You have driven me out this day from the face of the land, and from Your face I will be hidden; and I will be a fugitive and a vagabond and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.15 And the Lord said to him, Therefore, if anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark or sign upon Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him.16 So Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod [wandering], east of Eden.
Jesus' broken body shattered the enmity of our sin that kept us from the magnificent Presence of our AWE-GOD! Omnipresent Reality Check! Because of Jesus Christ, God Is With Us! I am so grateful to Jesus, for restoring us to God, so we could know and experience the reality of His Presence with us, in us and through us! Our human condition should keep us from the Presence of a Holy God, yet even though we are sinners, because of Jesus Christ we can be forgiven and made right before our God. Enmity was justified through Jesus Christ! Omnipresent Reality Check! God Is With Us! Enmity is such an ugly word as it oozes with the characteristics of hostility, the attitudes of antagonism, the actions of hate and when you are touched by it, it leaves with you an all around bad feeling in your soul. I can imagine how God the Father must have felt when He heard the blood of His Son Jesus cry out from the ground. Enmity! For those of us who have been touched by it, we know the weight of the soul-burden it brings to families. Omnipresent Reality Check! Jesus shattered enmity forever! The curse is broken! I have lived with this generational curse of enmity between brothers since I was a little girl. Enmity between my grandfather and his brother, my uncle and his brother, my older brother and my younger brother has been a constant source of soul-pain in my life and has destroyed the generational unity in our family for years. OUCH! Oh the curse of enmity! It hurts! Though I can imagine a greater curse and that is separation from God! You can hear the despair in Cain as he realized the consequence of His sin was to be separated from God and to never again experience the miracle of God's life reproducing food-seed in creation. God's seeds would never produce fruitful provision for him or bring life substance to him again. How amazingly hopeless! This passage of scripture makes me shout out: Omnipresent Reality Check! Yes! God Is With Us! We Are Forgiven And Restored To Everlasting Life! We Have A Future And A Hope As We Are "All In" With God! Thank You Jesus! AWE-GOD!
Check Out My Website For Further Encouragement-Exhortations From God! Enjoy!
The Bridegroom's Café
Currently Posted Menu
AUTHOR TABLE****************** BE Encouraged
BREAKFAST TABLE*************** Tighten Your Belt
FAMILY TABLE******************* A New Day
LISTENER TABLE*****************Forever Yours
MILITARY TABLE*****************Enduring Heat
SERVANT TABLE******************Drink Deeply
SMORGASBORD TABLE ***********Peace
Follow Me On Twitter @kmac4him
I have written an amazing book, actually God wrote it to His Bride and I penned it. It will be an incredible journey for you with AWE-GOD. It will be available in February of 2013 online. If you are interested email me your email address at I will make sure you get notified when the Bridegroom's Voice is ready to be purchased online. God Bless You Huge!
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